
Thursday 10 October 2019

A Favour

A Favour
New Delhi: The Imperial
The ladies smiled as they enjoyed their afternoon high tea at the restaurant. They were meeting to talk about the upcoming social events that they were all attending on behalf of their families.

"Did you hear the Chauhans are invited to the fundraiser,” Sajjabai told the group as Meera sipped her tea.

“I have heard about them,” Salima Khan begum of business tycoon and nawab Bairam Khan spoke up. “They are pretty closed in terms of their appearances and only do ones in Rajasthan- their base. If they are coming out here then…” she trailed off

“It means there is something big happening,” Sajjabai  pondered.

A few seats away two young women sat down for the high tea. They were catching up on their lives and work-life after a hectic week.

“So, we have undertaken the planning for Solankhini-Panwar wedding that would take place shortly,” Saubhagyawati told her friend as the server brought their drinks along with an array of cakes, scones, and cookies.

“The whole wedding will be nearly 10 days long and every ceremony will take place here in New Delhi itself except for one,” she told her friend who sipped her coffee quietly. “The guest list comprises of A-list celebrities, politicians and people in the business world. It is going to be a grand event.”

Her friend smiled as she took out a folder and kept it on the table, “my PI dropped this today- it has all the information on that person.”

Saubhagyawati opened the folder and skimmed through the papers. “He’s in Delhi and…Panwars”

Her friend smiled, “I need a favour from you.”

Ramrakh Panwar read through the quarterly report prepared by his son Patta who was currently under training at the company. Patta had finished his studies a year back and returned after finishing one-year training programme in London. He had decided to join the family business and was learning the ropes from his mentor- Mr. Chundawat.

“Sir,” Mr Chundawat entered his cabin looking a little tensed, “there is something you need to take care of…” he looked outside the window where a mid-age man with protruding belly and a receding hairline was laughing with Patta. Ramrakh Panwar’s eyes tightened on seeing the man.

“Mr. Chundawat you will be going out to meet with the union. Please take Patta along with you and send that man in my office.”

“I’m so disappointed for not being present here at time of the alliance,” the old lady uttered her sugar-coated words that only irked Meera.  

Meera had returned home to find an uninvited and unwanted guest in her living room waiting for her. Her gaze had settled on her maid and then at her daughter who was serving tea to the guest.

“Heer if you do not have any work today then I suggest visiting the women’s shelter” Meera reminded her daughter of the responsibilities.

“Maasa but I…” Heer stopped mid-sentence looking at her mother’s glare and quietly walked out.

Meera waited patiently for the car to drive out of the gates before turning back to the guest, “may I ask the reason for your unannounced visit-Kokoia ji”

Kokoia  ji used to work as a caretaker/nurse-maid in the Panwar residence but had gradually become one of the elders as none of the family heads were alive. Meera had always disliked the woman but had to control her feelings due to the societal gaze upon the family.

“Now Meera is this the way to welcome the family’s elder” Kokoia ji smiled, “besides I need a favour from you”.

Back in the office Ramrakh Panwar stared at the man who had the audacity to demand favours from him. Raimal Bhatt knew the cards he had to play in order to get his debts paid off but he could sense something off about the man sitting opposite to him

“All I’m asking for is a small favour” Raimal began, “a teeny tiny favour and in return I will keep my mouth zipped tight especially in front of the children.” He was well-aware that the twins Heer and Patta were his biggest weapons against the man as they were his biggest weaknesses. 

Ramrakh Panwar stared at the man as he dialed a number and put it on speaker. The person that answered the call scared Raimal Bhatt who started to sweat profusely.

“Khamma Gani may I speak to Dheerbai Bhatiyani," he asked politely.
"This is Dheer speaking , how can I help you?" she replied

Before Ramrakh could say another word, Raimal lept to the desk and disconnected the call. His stared at the man who relaxed into his chair,

“Do not ever dare to threaten me,” Ramrakh’s voice was cold and authoritative, “Panwar family is no longer doing you any favours. Try speaking out and I will make sure that you will rot in the deepest pits of hell.”

Mr. Chundawat walked in minutes after Raimal’s hasty departure and placed a thick folder on the table.

“Sir, your PI just sent the investigation report.”
Ramrakh Panwar looked at the folder and sighed in relief. Finally, after all these years he had an upper hand on Raimal Bhatt and the folder held information about the person he had been desperately searching for along time.

Sabse Pratham samaan,
Duje sthaan pe maan
Uske baad parivaar aur aakhir mein apna khayal 
                                                                                                 – Royal House of Panwars


  1. Is Ramrakh searching for Hansa and their daughter?? Raimal what did you do dear!!

    Kokaiyaji hmmm maybe she was also involved in ousting Hansa n the daughter! And Ajab too has info on someone, Who Pratap or her father or someone else??

    1. Raimal has done some things- that will be revealed in due time. Ajabde has information on all :P
