
Friday 11 October 2019

Window Shopping

Window Shopping

The guy placed their drinks on the table as the girl smiled and took a sip of her hot tea. Both of them were complete strangers that were coerced into the situation because of their parent’s emotional blackmailing ways. Both of them were aware that the other person was checking them out and crossing all the boxes in their heads

“So, this is a first for me” the guy began with a nervous smile “I have been busy with studies and then work” he trailed off.

The girl smiled back, “it’s a first for me too.” He looked surprised at her statement, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you,” he told her seeing her facial expression, “it’s just that I did not expect a young woman like you was left alone by her parents for this long…”

She laughed at his admission, “I tricked them” she confessed, “every time they or any of the family elders would come with a rishta, I would apply for a course and study.”

“That is genius,” he smiled, “by the way what do you do?”

“Ohh I’m a wedding planner. I run my personal wedding planning business especial focus on traditional Mewari and Marwari weddings” she took out her visiting card and gave it to him.

Later that night, he lay on his bed looking at the visiting card, Bandhan by Saubhagyawati. He smiled thinking of her facial expressions as she had told him all about her passion – her wedding planning business. He looked at the time and quickly typed a message,

Can we meet again- maybe this time for a meal (lunch/dinner)- on me

He pressed send and hoped that she would accept because for the first time in his life he had found someone he wanted to know more about.

Bandhan Delhi Office:
“So, is it confirmed” Ajabde asked as her friend looked clueless. She gestured at her phone making the girl blush.

“Our families have met each other and we have met a couple of times for coffee and lunch” she confessed. For the first time in her life, Saubhagyawati had felt comfortable with a guy- especially a guy whom she had known for a really small time.

“I’m happy for you,” Ajabde told her friend, “wait till Maasa hears the news.”

Saubhagyawati blushed as she could imagine Hansa mausi’s reaction to her wedding news. She had known Hansa mausi and Ajabde since she was a child and both mother-daughter duo were complete opposites yet they complimented each other really well. Some of the most profound learning about relationships and family that she had learned growing up came from watching the mother-daughter duo.

“I told mausi about him when the rishta came,” Saubhagyawati picked up her mug, “I was worried, scared and reluctant to meet him but mausi gave me courage” she smiled recalling her words

Think about it as window shopping- watch, observe, and then take time to ponder over it. If you like it then go ahead otherwise there are other items in the market

Ajabde was well-aware of her mother’s ‘window shopping’ wisdom,; her mother had this amazing ability to break down the most complex of things in the simplest ways. Every time she had worried about things not going well or some issue ruining her mood, her mother would make her sit down, massage her head while singing Sar jo tera chakraaye ya dil ghabraaye aaja pyaare paas humaare khaahe ghabraaye in her off-tune voice making her forget about all her worries.

Her mother was a traditional woman but she kept up with the change in time and society. Growing up she derived strength from her Maasa who worked in a man’s world and earned not only respect but love and affection as well. She had raised both Saubhagyawati and her as sisters and taught them, rishta dil se hota hai, khoon toh nakli bhi behta hai

“I’m so happy for you,” Ajabde hugged her friend tight, “maybe I could meet up with Mishra ji at the Panwar residence”.

DLF Promenade
Heer hid her disappointment as Shakti went out of the showroom to attend a call. Both of them had planned on this outing to learn more about each and other before the festivities began but he had barely spoken a word, told her about his likes and dislikes instead he had been busy with his cell-phone catching up on mail and calls from work.

“Sorry I had to take this call,” he told her as she joined him outside.

“It’s not too late to back out,” she looked at him, “I’ll talk to Papa and Maasa to call everything off.”

Shakti looked at her confused as Heer continued, “Today was all about us not spending time together but getting to know each other better. Learning about me is far gone, you did not have the time to tell me about yourself. All you did was check emails and attend calls.”

“It’s too fast” he finally spoke up, “everything is happening way too fast. I agreed to the alliance just to appease my mother but I didn’t realise that they would go ahead with wedding preparations and stuff so quickly.” Shakti felt light finally sharing his worries but the look on Heer’s face stopped him.

“Thank you for telling me,” she smiled, “as I said it’s not too late. I will speak with Papa and together we’ll talk to Maasa. I’ll make sure that this is called off”

Without another word she walked away with her head held high as her heart shattered into pieces. As she walked through the mall her eyes fell on a handbag and without further thought, she entered the showroom. Twenty minutes later, she walked out holding two bags that held her latest purchases with a huge smile on her face. She might not have the wedding she wanted but she could have the handbags.


  1. You took a valid stand Heer... Shakti just admit if you dont want the alliance to happen.

    Hansa being a business woman in a Mans world is new and her strong self is delight to know. This Ajab has advantage due to Hansa and thats new.

    1. Heer is a sensible girl. Shakti needs to grow up. Trying new things in this story :)
