
Wednesday 9 October 2019

A Long Day

A Long Day
New Delhi: Panwar Mansion

The lady’s maid helped her dress up for the party. Her master and mistress were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Their children had organised a puja in the day followed by a social call at the orphanage and now, the evening would see a big party for the couple. All of their family friends, business associates and well-known people in the social circle were invited for the occasion.

“Nobody will be able to take their eyes off you,” the maid flattered her.

“Check on Heer and Patta,” her mistress told the maid who bowed and left her mistress.

The mistress stared at her reflection in the mirror trying to figure out if it was truly her. Grey hair was visible between the black ones, wrinkles were hidden underneath the anti-ageing cream and make-up. Her eyes no longer held the curiosity or innocence they once had instead they had been replaced with duties and responsibilities. She opened the drawer of her vanity to take out the photograph that had ended up in her possession.

Her eyes narrowed as she took in the family in it- smiling, carefree and those eyes filled with love but the words written behind it were her undoing- “My world”.

“Maasaaaa” her daughter’s voice rang-out. She hurriedly kept the photograph back and stood up to greet her child.

“Shouting does not suit a young lady,” she reminded her daughter. “Please remember that you are now engaged to be married and represent both our as well as Shakti’s family –Heer.”

Heer Kanwar dressed in Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla saree nodded her head, “Ji Maasa but we need to leave now or else we will be late and one thing I have learned is to be always on time.”

To Maasa and Daata!!!
To Ram and Meera!!!

The daughter raised her glass as others followed her lead. A joyous occasion as the children celebrated their parent’s anniversary in a grand style. The photographer and his team were spread over the grand ballroom making video of the dance of the main couple. The couple performed the waltz as live music played joined by their loved ones in the centre of the ballroom. As music ended, the husband gently let go of his wife’s hand and took his daughter to dance with her. The wife danced with her son as everyone took pictures and videos on their smart phones.

Later that night, Meerabai gently kissed her daughter’s forehead and walked out of her room. The day had been too long. For some, time had flown by quickly but not for her…for both of them. They did the best they could with the circumstances, kept up appearances and smiled for their children. Performed their duties and responsibilities as members of a family and tried to keep up the legacy of their ancestors alive.

Back in the master bedroom, she could hear him rummaging through the attached study and knew the object of his search.

“You were looking for this,” she stood on the doorstep holding the photograph. Ramrakh Singh Panwar walked up to her and took it without any word.

“I found it on the floor,” she spoke up, “it had fallen out of the book.” 
Meera did not understand the reason behind her explanation but a part of her wanted him to know that she didn’t take it.

“Thank you. It’s getting late and you must be tired” he spoke politely before turning his back on her.

She walked out of the study and headed straight for her bed. It had been a long,tiring day of keeping appearances and she was glad it was over.

It was nearly 1:00 am when she arrived at the apartment. Her day had been long and tiring from the flight to the back to back meetings. Dropping her bag on the floor she slumped on the couch still holding the folder that her PI had dropped off earlier. Her search for a certain individual was finally done- PI had found out about him, his past, present, business associates, family – everything.

Tired as she was from the day’s activities there was a part of her that wanted to open the folder and read all about the person. A part that wanted to know more about the person who had caused a lot of grief to people near and dear to her.

Another yawn hit her hard as she placed the folder back on the table. It had been a long day and she would get to work after a good night’s sleep.


  1. Was trying to associate a few things... Lets see how far am I correct with things. The story is getting more n more interesting...

    1. Suju Di,

      your super-powers are at work :P
