
Monday 9 May 2016



The media stood in attention as cars entered the gates of the lavish 7-star hotel where the prominent business people were holding the annual market and business association meet. A lot of tenders as well as some important decisions were supposed to be taken in the meeting but that was not all- an important decision regarding Sahil Kapoor and the loans he had taken for his business were the main matter that was to be discussed by the members of the association.

Uday Singh CEO of the Sisodia Empire entered acknowledging the media along with his PA Rawat Chundawat who had briefed him on the agendas of the meeting as well as Sahil Kapoor’s impending judgement. Sahil Kapoor entered the hotel amongst a lot of questions from the media but he went straight to the conference hall ignoring the calls from the media personnel.

Raghav was already present with Sammy who was greeting the other people present in the hall. Soon the meeting began and everyone sat through presentations of the companies vying to get the tenders. At the end both Uday Singh and Raghav Singhania ended with 2 tenders each and 1 would be shared between them as both the companies would work on it together.

As the meeting was coming to an end Sahil Kapoor tried to make a hasty exit after losing out the tenders that could have helped revive his dying business but Raghav had other plans as he called out him upon his inability to pay the debt he had incurred upon himself

Raghav: I urge the association to take some decision with regards to the repayment of the loans Mr Kapoor has taken 

SK (a little irritated): I will repay my dues I assure the association

Raghav: We know that Mr Kapoor but the question is when will you repay the loans? Because everyone knows you have no new tenders or projects that would help in bringing in money for you and the projects you had have all been stopped because of legal issues

SK: This is your doing Raghav Singhania you pushed me into bankruptcy and forced me to take loans and I’m sure that those legal issues are because of you

Sammy: Calm down Mr Kapoor let’s not make a fool of ourselves. If the association allows it I would like to present this small research I have done on your business ethics and tactics. This file contains all of your dealings in your recent projects that you launched with pomp and show saying they were the future but as one can see most of the material you used was of low quality that showed on the final products and not only this you even bribed officials to clear out your pending requests

Raghav: As everyone can see Mr Kapoor has taken on loans from every person possible yet the manner he conducts his business is something we as an association frown upon so I urge the association to take a strong step in this regard

Couple of hours later the news spread like wildfire

The Business Association today has given a final warning as well as a deadline to Mr Sahil Kapoor to repay his loans. According to sources a file containing information regarding the manner in which Mr Kapoor conducts his business was presented before the association whereby all members unanimously voted against Mr Kapoor. Mr Kapoor was seen leaving the meeting in a foul mood on the other hand his competitor Mr Raghav Singhania acknowledged the media personnel before leaving as well. No one has yet commented on this development but sources have said that now Sisodias and Singhania’s are the two power house in the market and both of them have managed to get 2 tenders each and 1 co-joined tender

Singhania Residence 

The Singhania’s had moved into house belonging to one of their relatives which was far smaller than the mansion they used to live in but circumstances had forced them to curb their lifestyle down. Neetu Kapoor who once was seen in all parties as well as clubs was now rarely seen outside. It seemed that ever since her husband’s business had gone down under she had taken refuge in the house as she had no intention of running into people she knew from before.

 Paakhi was been kept under strict observation but her craziness knew no bounds – her room was filled with Raghav Singhania’s pictures on which she had made heart doodles and cut her own pictures against his, Kalpi’s images were all crossed out with red lipstick and so were the other members of their family.  

Paakhi saw the news watching Raghav come out of the meeting and she traced her fingers on the TV screen
I know Raghav you are missing me tabhi you are wearing these shades but I don’t like them on you as they hide your eyes. I promise you when we will get together I won’t ever let you wear shades as long as you are with me
She smiled as she paused the screen and stared at the man of her dreams crazily while her father came fuming in after he was ousted from the business association knowing fully well that it was all Raghav’s plan and there was nothing he could do to stop him.


  1. Ahhaaa so the Kapoors are been taken care off... Good n the Singhanias n Sisodia joining hands is really good. Hope Raghav repays in case of the serial killer to a certain Sisodia...

    N Pankhi was always mad!!!

    Waiting for what happens next....

    1. Suju di

      The Red Rose Killer is still not identified it could be Raghav himself :P
      Pankhi was a mad creature for sure

      will update soon
