
Saturday 7 May 2016

Job Undone

Hi guys

Extremely sorry for not updating my blog I was a bit occupied but fret not I will do my very best to update it regularly and by regularly I mean every alternate day. Here's the next chapter of the FF hope you will enjoy it

Job Undone

Gauri Singhania sat in her room looking at the pictures that adorned her wall- Raghav’s childhood pics, some with his father, one with all three, then Raghav and Kalpi’s wedding, the entire family together, Kalpi and her together out their home in the garden when the flowers were in bloom it was the only one of the two of them and they looked so happy. Gauri had a lot of regrets her thirst for revenge from the Kapoors had nearly separated Raghav and Kalpi but they fought for their love and Kalpi had won her heart with her firm beliefs and principles. Kalpi brought with her happiness in their lives which she could see on her son’s face and now that happiness was gone. Her son would avenge her as he had bankrupted the Kapoors and was now planning to black list them from the markets. But the price they paid for this revenge was too high

The management had issued a statement to curb the buzz that was doing the rounds in the entire institute
“Due to technical difficulties the aerial bar collapsed earlier this morning on the special stage set-up for the celebrations. The student who was injured has been rushed to the hospital and is doing well. All dance rehearsals have been shifted to the main auditorium while the stage is re-set under the watchful eyes of the management. It’s a kind request to all students to not spread rumours with regards to this case.”
As the announcement played over the systems students walked their own way not paying attention to the announcement 

Chakrapani: Well that would definitely end the buzz

Hakim: what were they expecting? It’s not going to end so soon especially with Salima being involved

Pratap: The food and drinks are here let’s go

The entire gang sat outside looking tired after their respective practices but the incident had them all worried for the girl who was gazing at her cell phone. Ajabde scrolled down the messages on her WhatsApp group that was quite active for the last 2hours or so

The entire gang consisted of Pratap, Ajabde, Chakrapani, Subhagyawati, Hakim, Akbar, Ruqqaiya, Shakti, Heer, Som and Veeni. Shakti, Heer and Ruqqaiya were juniors so they had their classes going on and all their practices were to take place after their classes were finished but due to an impromptu meeting all classes were cancelled. 
As the drinks and food was kept down everyone jumped on it as if they hadn’t eaten anything since forever. Ajabde took a sip from her lemonade when a ping alerted her to the new message

Subho: Something new?

Ajabde: Salima is fine. Doctors said she was lucky as there was no fracture or ligament tear, swelling and bruises only. Maybe a crack but it will heal with proper rest.

Subho: she sure did get lucky

Ajabde: Practice has been cancelled for the day.

Shakti: Everyone is free for the day. The management has called in an impromptu meeting as the right hand of the Guest of Honour has come to the college for an unannounced visit

Akbar: Let’s do something then we haven’t gone out in like forever

Subho: Movie?

Chakrapani: Bowling?

Heer: Let’s go to TD’s hangout

Everyone stood up as they made their way and at the same time Sammy entered the college in his usual office get-up. He walked past the group of students that seemed to be having a good time. As he looked around his eyes landed on the mirror and he saw a glimpse of a girl
Sammy: Kalpi?

Mr Samar?  A voice called for him making him frown and as he turned back to the mirror nothing was there

The management’s PA had come to receive him to take him to the meeting and Samar smiled at her as they both walked towards the conference room. On the other hand Ajabde and the others sat into their respective rides and made their way to TD’s hangout.


The room was destroyed as the figure glared at the image of the girl walking out the college unharmed and then of a different girl in the hospital
Fools the target is still alive. They cannot even do a simple job properly but worry not my love I will make sure that all your enemies are dead and then we will meet just like it was supposed to be, haina Kalpi
The figure smiled as the fingers traced the facial features of the girl in a huge portrait that had Kalpi Jadhav Singhania written underneath it in italics


  1. This is getting more and more interesting. Need more praja please

    1. Suru sundari

      Praja will come in the next update...maybe :P

  2. Wow is Kalpi dead or alive??? the suspense is created brick by brick....

    In serial I found Gauri boring!!! here lets see!!

    1. Suju di
      Kalpi is dead. But we will see something very interesting in the coming updates
      Gauri is a secondary character who will not be there much :P
