
Tuesday 24 May 2016

We Meet Again

We Meet Again

The anniversary day was upon the college that had been decked with lights and floral arrangements could be seen everywhere. A giant rangoli had been set-up in the entrance with drapes covering the walls and hallways. Everyone was given tasks for the last minute Coach Raghvendra along with Pratap, Akbar, Chakri, Shakti and the other boys was in- charge of the final security check. They had covered all the areas and were looking at the stage that had been re-set after the Salima fiasco- the entire stage had been redone in a new way with additional security measures especially for the aerial bar.

The entire dance team was set-up in a classroom that had been converted into the green room for the function. All of their dresses, accessories, make-up and hair styling kits were set-up there itself. The girls were getting their make-up done when a junior walked in with a huge bouquet of red roses and went straight to Ajabde

This is for you (hands over the bouquet)

Ajabde took the flowers: Thank You 

As she looked up the junior was gone while the rest of the girls were looking at her teasingly. She kept the flowers in a corner as she quickly sent a message to Pratap before returning back to her stylist. 

Coach Raghvendra did full check of the area when he was called by the management and he left the guys in-charge of different areas till he returned. Apparently there was an uninvited guest who wanted to get inside the college and had been caught climbing up the backside fence. 

The guy that had been caught was really antsy looking everywhere, his feet were shaking and he had tightly gripped his hands together. He looked for an opportunity to make an escape and as soon as he saw Raghvendra come with some other men he pushed the guard nearest to him and made a run for it but could not make it out before he was caught again. Before they could question the man they received the news that the guest of honours had arrived earlier than expected and were being taken for a tour

Raghav politely greeted the guests as he opened the door for Kamla while Sammy came out from the other car. The Dean along with the other management came out to greet them with flowers

Raghav: We came in a little early as Maa wished to see the college

Dean: Absolutely sir we are thrilled to have you all here amongst us. Please come with me

He led them for a tour of the college showing them the various departments and hard work put in by the students as well as the faculty. They were finally taken to the stage area where the dance performance was going to take place. Raghav had refused to speak to the students so the Dean had already given the speech at time of the opening. 

Everyone sat down as the MC made the announcement for the dance performance
Lights dimmed as blue lights created a peaceful aura all over the stage and the song O Re Piya came on… the girls entered on their cues to round of applause from the students and the guests. Kamla was very impressed she had started going to some functions with Raghav to be his support and let him know that she was there for her son. Raghav smiled as he offered a glass of water to Kamla when Sammy gasped making them all look at the stage

Ajabde entered in her white dress that flowed with her movements making her look ethereal. Lights fell on her face which came on the huge screens set-up and as soon as she got the cue of the song Sun Saathiya she smiled at Raghav-Kamla and ran back to the aerial bar performing the circular motion step that ended in a perfect split from her 

The crowd gave a standing ovation to the dancers who were all gathered in the centre with their hands folded and smiles gracing their faces

Kalpi!!!!! Raghav screamed her name and rushed to the stage making everyone frown

Sammy: Raghav don’t….stop

Raghav was on the stage and he pulled Ajabde to himself as he hugged her tight: I knew you won’t leave me Kalpi

Ajabde (shocked and struggled): Let me go

Raghav: Never I’m won’t ever let you leave me again Kalpi

Ajabde pushed him back and thapak – sound of her slap rang as the Dean and the others rushed to the stage as well. Pratap stood with Ajabde who allowed him to stand a little ahead of her making Raghav frown

Dean: Take Miss Punwar away

Ajabde turned on her heels and left without giving Raghav a glance who was still fighting against Sammy 

Raghav: No…that’s my Kalpi. Sammy it’s her. Tell her to stop

Sammy: Raghav come with me now (dragged him away)

Kamla stood up as she apologised to the Dean and took Raghav with her back home where a doctor had been called to look at him

Gauri stood distraught looking at her son’s condition: What happened?

Sammy: I don’t know

Gauri: Sammy beta

Kamla: the girl in the dance performance looked exactly like

Kalpi!! Pakya’s voice rang all over the house as everyone came running to the main room.
The news was showing the video of Raghav being slapped by Ajabde and the former’s breakdown as he was taken away by Sammy. Gauri looked stunned at the video and then at Kamla

Gauri: Is that Kalpi?

Ajabde was pacing the room angrily when the gang arrived only to realise that she was not paying attention to them rather to the news that was being shown

Ajabde: Now I’m on the television. These media people have found another juicy masaledaar story for themselves (cell rings) 

Hello ji… ohhh Ajabde I’m sorry she’s not available. No…she’s gone to hell
 As she angrily kept the phone back others knew she was not in a good mood
Chakri: Calm down Ajab everything will go back to be fine in a day or two

Akbar: What do you think will happen? The news is everywhere and media will crowd the college and 

Ajabde: Great (was looking at her cell) I have been asked by the management to stay away from all media sources, not to give interviews as if I want more publicity and take a break. We have exams coming up and they want me to miss classes

I don’t understand why am I being punished for doing the right thing? That man had the audacity to touch me in front of all the college and he gets away with nothing

Akbar: Not true. You slapped him hard and he was the guest of honour

Ajabde: I don’t care who Raghav Singhania is Akbar

Chakri: Maybe you should because he is the head of the board of the college

The doors opened as Pratap walked in with his brother following behind
Shakti: We got your stuff though it was hard to enter that place. The media is sitting outside hoping to get an image of you (Ajabde sighs) and your entire house was so fragrant

Ajabde: What?

Shakti: It was filled with red roses from the living room to the kitchen. Every inch was covered with roses

Ajabde: It can’t be possible because I locked the place then how did those roses end up there?


The figure stared at the news
Hmmm it seems Raghav has met you Ajabde now this makes my work so easy. I will do the deeds and he will pay the price and when I’m done with you I will end him and show it as a suicide
Poor Raghav Singhania couldn’t bear the separation from his wife so in an act of passion he killed her and then himself
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha (evil psycho kind of laughter)

The figure twirled around crumpling the red rose petals that were strewn all over the floor


  1. the unknown killer : is he Pankhi's brother?? He was negative in serial.

    n ajab is a look alike of Kalpi interesting... tht also means tht the other two murder victims also must be look alike of Kalpi to frame Raghav...

    1. Suju di

      We will soon know more about the killer and there will be a strong connection to Paakhi

      Ajab is an exact replica in terms of looks while the people who are hurt or will get killed will somehow be connected to Ajabde
