
Friday 27 December 2019

What is Love?

What is Love?

Ruqqaiya smiled as the city of dunes welcomed them with clear blue skies, cool temperature and amazing scenery. The annual fundraiser gala was taking place in Jaisalmer and the event would see A-list guests including royalty, Bollywood celebrity, politicians and businessfolks of the nation. She was happy to attend the gala alongside Pratap who had got 10 days off from his work. He had grown in the last two months she had noticed through their drive. 

He was always considerate of others but he was calmer and patient, allowed her to play her Bollywood romantic music as well for a good stretch before driving silently as she had fallen asleep. His style sense had also evolved as he wore more business casual, fitted shirts, blazers that brought out the colour of his eyes but he still remained her best friend who cracked lame jokes to make her laugh.

“So, you never told me about work,” she asked they entered the last stretch of their journey. 

Pratap took a left turn to the city centre and replied, “My boss wants me to present my dream project at their upcoming Project Colloquium. If the panel likes my project then they will invest in it.”

Ruqqaiya’s eyes widened with excitement, “that’s awesome, news.” 

Pratap nodded his head without a word and allowed his best friend to go into a monologue about the whole thing. He had been surprised when he had received the invitation to present at the colloquium without him having to present it to a preliminary panel.

Pratap stared at the invitation letter that he had received via internal mail of the office. A part of him was happy to receive it but another part was doubtful because he had a conversation about the same with a few people. The Project Colloquium took place every three years where employees, associates, newcomers and outsiders were given a chance to present their ideas. If the final panel, liked the idea or thought that it was a good pitch then the Chauhan group would invest in it and be a partner till the project took off.

His mind was further blown by the fact that the letter was signed by HRH Hansabai ji the CEO of the Chauhan group.

“By the way, you better introduce me to your boss” Ruqqaiya quipped making him come out of his thoughts. She tilted her head, “you do realize that Chauhan group is the leading partner for the organizers, your boss Rajkumari Ajabde baisa will be present for the gala.”

Aaachoooo, Ajabde sneezed as her mother and best friend raided her closet to pack things for the royal gala. She looked at her mother irked on being sent to attend a dance when she could stay home or work on some project.

“Remind me again, why can’t we sent Bhagwati in my place?” she asked the duo who both ignored her and continued to talk about colours

“I suggest red,” Bhagwati told Hansabai ji who nodded her head, “maybe red for the gala, and pastels for the other events like picnics and stuff.”

Ajabde walked out with a huff on being ignored by the duo. She had been sick for the last four days. Four days on complete bedrest, 96 hours away from her office and work, 5760 minutes away from bankrupting her competition, 345600 seconds away from him and his ridiculous antics. A smile made its way as she recalled the funny things, he would do to make her laugh or him bringing her tea every evening with a packet of Parle G sneaked out of the pantry.

“Maasa what is love?” A 10-year-old Ajabde asked her mother as they sat on the terrace on a sunny winter morning.  Her mother looked at her questioningly as Ajabde munched on peanuts.

“Love is when you are able to understand someone’s silences better than their words,” her mother replied. Her daughter nodded her quietly as she continued munching on the peanuts,

“Then I’m safe,” she told her Maasa, “because only you understand my silences so this means, I love you, Maasa” Ajabde turned and hugged her mother tight before doing a small victory dance. 

“Maasa loves me!!” she screamed in joy before running off to trouble her caretakers.

Ajabde sighed, for now, there was a person besides her Maasa who was able to understand her silences better than her words. 

“Does it mean I’m in love?” she wondered.

Hansabai and Saubhagyawati stared at each other with victorious smiles as they recognised the facial expression very well. Ajabde was contemplating and the duo knew the person behind her contemplation.

“Do you think she will accept her feelings for him?” Saubhagyawati asked as the mother shook her head in denial.

“No, she will try to make sense of her feelings and when that fails, she will run away,” Hansabai looked at the girl, “now, question is will he be able to hold her from running away or will he let her go?”

Bade Daajiraj, Pratap ran to his grandfather after finishing off his grooming lessons. Sangram Singh smiled as he sat his grandchild on his lap,

“Bade Daajiraj, what is love?” the young boy asked innocently making the elder smile.

“Love is when you are able to understand someone’s silences better than their words. When you know what the other person wants just from their actions,” he looked at his grandson who seemed thoughtful.

“Bade Daajiraj, this means Ranimaa does love Papa” he smiled widely, “she knows exactly what he is thinking and also what he wants”

Sangram Singh nodded his head, “yes she does and you know what, she also knows what you are thinking, and your favourite dishes Kunwarsa”

Pratap’s eyes widened as realisation dawned upon him, “yayyy Ranimaa loves me too!!” he jumped down and did a victory dance. 


  1. Replies
    1. Suranya, at least answer the question :P

  2. So they have started looking after each other knowingly!!

    Pratap put your heart into the presentation and you will be rewarded in more then the ways you might have thought of... That observation of Pratap about his parents was kind of cute and the realization was every cuter!!
    Hansa baiji I hope Pratap gives your daughter enough peace of heart that she wont run away when she understand her feelings completely.

    1. Suju di,

      Ajabde will find solace and strength to lay down her roots in one place. She will need some TLC and I'm sure Pratap will live up to the expectations
