
Sunday 29 December 2019

Wandering Souls

Wandering Soul

Rajkumarisa!! The dance teacher screamed as she ran away from the room leaving behind a young princess in hysterics. The servants chased after the screaming teacher while caretakers went straight for the princess.

10 minutes later, the princess found herself standing in front of the Queen who ignored her while instructing the family butler to take care of the teacher.

“This is the fifth time,” her mother looked at her, “that you have chased away a dance teacher.”

The princess knew the drill well for she had been in trouble too many times to count. Her mother’s disappointed look and sigh did trouble the young child but she did not like the dance teacher and moreover she did not like the waltz.

“What do you have to say for yourself, Rajkumari Hansa?”

Panna Dai smiled as the photo album took her down the memory lane. Most of the pictures had a mischievous tale behind them and she had been present for almost all of them. Her family had been serving the Chauhans since she could remember, her family had vowed to serve the Chauhans after they had protected and provided aide to them during the Mughal reign as well as British Raj. 

Panna Dai had been a young woman when Hansa was born and she still remembered clearly when she held baby Hansa for the first time, the feeling of seeing her smile had won her heart and soul. Having close proximity with the Rajkumarisa had created a divide amongst the other serving ladies and maids. Rumours and gossip had instigated Ranisa to relive her from all of the duties. Panna had bid a tearful goodbye to a sleeping Hansabai unaware that the child was not asleep. Three months she had stayed away from the Chauhan family and Bijolia before Hansabai’s father came to take her back. 

On the way, he had informed her about Rajkumari’s antics and mischiefs that had crossed all boundaries. The princess was punished on a daily basis with her meals being cut down to once every couple of days but even that did not deter her from her ways.

A laugh escaped as she recalled the way Hansa had welcomed her back to her home and life

Panna Dai stared in horror as she saw the young Rajkumari holding on to a wooden stick while the serving ladies and maids behind Panna’s departure was tied to a pole.

“Maar diya jaaye…ya chodd diya jaaye
Boliye aapke saath kya salook kiya jaaye?”

Rajkumari Hansabai was a wild soul, born to be free and live life on her own terms. She refused to take no for an answer and never compromised on her principles.

Turning the page, she found herself looking at the picture of baby Ajabde and Hansa as a mother. Panna Dai remembered the broken Hansa who had locked up all of her feelings after he had left. She had loved him dearly but fate had other plans for them.

Hansa smiled holding on to her baby girl as Panna Dai sat by her side.

“Ajabde, her name is Ajabde,” the new mother told her. “She is living proof that we both loved each other. Her name means unique soul, she is the soul of Ram and Hansa.”

Panna Dai wiped away a tear as she realised that unlike her mother, Ajabde was not a free soul. She was wandering through the maze of life all alone with no one by her side. Her wanderings had made her strong but her insides ached and screamed for someone to find her

“Ekling ji Nath, send my Ajab someone who will be home to her. Someone, she can lay down the anchor without losing herself.”

Pratap sat by himself as the others went ahead for the desert safari. He was exhausted from the day’s tour to Kuldhara and the fort. The gala was just one day away and there was sign of her at any of the gatherings or activities.

“Maybe I should check-up on her?” he thought to himself, “but what will I say?”

Patience is not a strong virtue, but it is most needed in matters of love

An old man member of the gipsy tribe sat down by his side as he took Pratap’s hands into his aged ones. Caressing through the lines on his palm, he turned the other one towards him and smiled,

Wandering souls are hardest to love
For they do not have a home
Winning over a wandering soul will need patience and love
And the promise of a lifetime, shelter in oasis and drought
So, my friend, the question is, will you fight to make the wandering soul
A part of you forever Or will you let it go and forget its existence
Ajabde stared at the lady in disbelief as she patted her head,
Matters of the heart are never judged by the brain
Listen to the beating of the heart
To the footsteps in the winds
And in the vast desert, you will find her
Like the wanderer finds the oasis

Ajabde’s eyelids felt heavy as she concentrated on music and dance performance. Suddenly, she felt a pat on her head and a humming sound

“Go to sleep, I’m here” he whispered as she placed her head on his shoulder. Pratap sneaked out of the desert safari place carrying Ajabde in his arms. The drive back to the hotel was quick and quiet considering the passenger was sleeping deeply.

Later in the hotel, he lay beside her as she held onto his hand. With his free hand, he moved  the strands of hair falling on her face and whispered,

“Sleep, your Personal Assistant aka caretaker will be here to look after you. Now and Forever”

He had the answer to the old man’s question; he was going to build a home for his wandering soul.


  1. Wow Garima!! I love how you have embedded the past of the parents to show the shaping up of the present generation. Hansa this story gives you wings.. do fly higher each time.

    The tribal man and woman giving both Pratap & Ajabdeh an incite to their own thoughts will take them to a lot of answers!! Pratap ahs found one by the end of this post!!

    1. Suju di,

      I love your comments :) Glad you are liking the story. I think past plays an important part in the way we act in the present and plan for future- so decided to show that through the two generations.

      Both Pratap and Ajabde will find their answers soon enough
