
Sunday 3 November 2019

The Plan

The Plan

Chauhan Group of Industries – Head Office
Jiwa hurried into the cabin carrying all the files her boss had requested from the different departments. She had received instructions via a text message and the fact it did not have a subject made her realise the seriousness of the situation. Her boss was an organised person whose every text message, email or note had a clear subject line except when something was wrong. In her term as her secretary, she had received non-subject text messages two times: the first one was when her baba had met with an accident and the second one was at the time of demonetization.

She finished arranging the file as requested by her boss her cell pinged with another untitled message from her boss

Bring all the files home. Tell everyone to prepare for the all department meeting scheduled for next week- A

Without wasting any time, she quickly sent out an email blast to the department heads and rushed out with the files. Outside the office, her baba waited patiently for her in the car

“Baba,” she looked at him surprised as she kept all the files on the backseat. Vajra Singh drove the car out as his daughter waited patiently for an answer

“There is a leak in the head office. Last two tenders that we lost were because of this leak- this individual not only sold confidential information of the company but they tried to dig into Ranisa’s personal life as well. Ranisa wishes to speak with us.”

Jiwa sat stunned, “Ranisa sent me the messages.”

Vajra Singh nodded his head, “Baisa Hukum is in Delhi. She is checking up on a potential future investment and will not be available for the next couple of days. We have to assist Ranisa in this investigation”

Cafe Coffee Day

Shakti explained the event and their requirements from the event planner,
“It is the anniversary of the coronation ceremony of the King and Queen of Surajgarh as well as coronation ceremony of my cousin brother, and two days afterwards is his parent's wedding anniversary. I wish to surprise Badimaa and Kakosa with a wedding but this time it will be done in a more fun manner. The original wedding was performed as per royal customs but I want to give them a wedding they can enjoy and remember.”

The girl nodded her head and took notes on her laptop. “Is there something, in particular, you wish to include in the ceremony- a particular game or something?”

 “I have a list of all things Badimaa and Kakosa like,” he took out his cell and showed her the note. “You can go through them and see what can be incorporated – in terms of food all dishes mentioned here have to be included”

“Alright,” she looked at him “give me two days time and I will have some concept ideas for you.” She closed her laptop and stood up to leave. 

Shakti smiled as he quickly sent out a text to his dadabhai, “met with the event planner Saubhagyawati. We will have something in two days.”

Bandhan Office

“Are you sure this person will be on the guest list,” Saubhagyawati asked her friend looking up from her laptop where she was working on the concept for the Sisodia event. Ajabde had met with Shakti Singh Solankhini as the former wished to organise a surprise wedding for his uncle and aunt who also happened to be royalty. Her friend was involved because of one man whom she had been tracking and investigating for the last couple of years.

“He is quite active in the same social circle as that of Solankhini’s,” Ajabde spoke up, “and I’m 100 per cent sure he would be present for this particular event seeing that it is in the same social circle and involves royalty.”

Saubhagyawati was aware the plan involved Ajabde going to the event from Bandhan and she would be the one making all arrangements but a part of her was scared for her friend

“What if he finds out about your cover?” she asked her friend worried, “and he decides to use you or worse do something to trouble you?”

Ajabde closed her laptop, “from the intel I have gathered the Punwars are not that sort of people except for the lady- Meerabai. I will have to be wary of her for sure but the men seem harmless. Besides, my the only job is to find as much as I can about this man who seems to have a connection with my and Maasa’s past.”

Chauhan Haveli

Hansabai smiled as Jiwa walked out of her study to help out in the kitchen. Vajra Singh sat quietly aware that he was about to be given an important task by the Queen

“Vajra Singh ji, I have been keeping track of them for some time but their new project is lined up on our land. This new township project is planned to be constructed over our land and our people are not happy about it. He needs to be reminded of the agreement.”

Vajra Singh nodded his head as his Queen looked as fierce as Goddess Bhavani. He picked up the thin file and stood up,

“I will leave for Delhi and meet with our legal team to take action against them. I promise you Ranisa that they will be reminded of their limits.”

Hansabai nodded her head as Vajra Singh took his leave. “Vajra Singh ji, if that man tries to interfere then you have my permission to teach him a lesson” she added as the man stood at the doorstep.

As the doors closed, she looked at the clear blue sky outside and then at the picture frame of her father and daughter,

“If fate has planned for us to become enemies then I will be your worst enemy and no one will be able to help you.”


  1. This one has lots of things happening... Everything and everyone on the Chauhan side is moving here and there, calculating a lot of aspects and coming up with plans to protect them and the loved ones.

    I somehow feel at a point they are going to realise that all this was not needed! Let's see....

    1. Everyone is preparing for a battle and as you said, they might not need to fight it.
      Something big will happen though :P
