
Tuesday 29 October 2019



Udai Singh hummed as he prepared a cup of tea in the kitchen as his son sat dejected at the outcome of his meeting with the senior officials. Pratap had presented his dream project to the senior-most members in hopes of constructive feedback, maybe some good advice but all he received was nonsensical blabber about him neglecting his role as the only child and heir of the Sisodia-Songara clan.

“Here you go,” his father offered him a drink and then smiled at his reaction, “I make better tea than our cook.”

Pratap gave a small smile as he accepted the tea and sipped it, “it is better than the one our cook makes,” he agreed with his father.

“Why do you think your Ranimaa married me?” Udai Singh joked as he joined his son on the couch.

“Pratap, I hope you know that I’m proud of you and so is your Ranimaa” Udai Singh smiled at his son’s surprised look, “We are proud of you for never compromising on your dreams, for fighting against all odds and not even asking us or your Bade Daajiraj for help but if you decide to give up on your dream then dude we got some problems.”

Pratap smiled at his father’s use of youngster language. He knew his father wanted to cheer him up but after the meeting fiasco, he was not sure about anything.

“Remember one thing Pratap,” his father looked straight into his eyes, “you and I, we are not royals. Your Ranimaa is royalty and we are royals in the name because of our relationship to her. We” he pointed at him and at Pratap, “have to work hard and prove our worth at every step because that’s who we are”

Pratap hugged his father tight, “Thanks, Papa. I promise I won’t give up or compromise on my dreams. Just wait and I will show those old fellas who I am. Also, you make better tea than Ranimaa.”

“Who makes what better than Ranimaa?” Jaiwanta Bai asked as she returned home from her outing.

“Nothing. Let me make you some tea,” her husband spoke up as his son hurried into the kitchen.

Heer sat in front of her parents determined to get the approval for her plan. She had thought long and hard about it. She knew her father and brother would support her unconditionally but not her mother.

“Why do you need to do this?” Meera asked surprised, “you have duties as daughter of this family and if you wish, then work under your father or brother.”

Heer sighed for she knew that it was going to be a long fight, “but I’m not interested in the family business. As far as social engagements are concerned, you are the one who drags me to attend them even though I’m never invited.”

Before Meera could say a word, Heer looked at her father, “At Shakti’s housewarming party, I realised that up until now, I have not been able to do things without making compromises. Every time I wanted to do something, Maasa put a condition on it or asked me to settle for something else. This time I refuse to compromise and I hope you understand” she walked out of the room closing the door quietly behind her.

“I drag her to events,” Meera spoke in disbelief, “this girl has gone mad. This is all Jaiwanta Bai’s fault for encouraging Shakti to live on his terms. Poor Sajja behen is distraught all by herself and….”

“And next you will be the one left alone,” Ramrakh spoke calmly, “after both your son and daughter decide that they have compromised enough for you.”

Meera looked at her husband as he continued, “All she wants to do is pursue her interests and then look for a career in that field. What is wrong with that? This is not the 1900s where girls were supposed to be married off to a rich guy and have kids. Heer is an intelligent young lady and so is Patta. As per your wishes, Patta gave up on his choice of career and joined the family business. Do not push your expectations on Heer. I will not tolerate it.”

“Tolerate it” Meera whispered, “all I want is a good, safe and secure future for my children- is that wrong? I do not wish for them to suffer like I did, is that wrong Ram?”

“No, but emotionally blackmailing them to compromise for your dreams is and that is what you have done since the beginning- asked everyone around you to compromise for your sake” he had walked to the door and was about to leave when she spoke up

“You promised at the time of their birth that they will have a safe and secure future,” her voice low, “but if she decides to pursue her talents and interests then the secrets will come out in the open. All the compromises that we have made would be for nothing.”

“I will tell Heer that we have agreed to her wishes but we will make sure that the person/agency she works with is safe and reliable” he walked out of the room without another glance at her.

 Raimal Bhatt sat with his eyes covered by a scarf, hands and feet tied with rope in a small room,
“You still owe me twenty lakhs. Your cheques bounced and cards have been declined yet you sit in front of me asking for more cash,” the voice was deep and scary but Raimal did not allow to show his fears.

“I know I’m late on the payments but I have got something that will be of great use to you,” he tilted his head trying to signal only to be jerked backwards by one of the men in the room.

“Don’t try to act smart with us Raimal,” the man spoke. Raimal shook his head, “open the suitcase. Code is 0011. You will find Confidential files from the Punwar office- they are building a new township and expanding into real estate- Patta Punwar is going to oversee the project himself. The estimate for the project is 10 crores.”

Late in the evening, Raimal sat in his home rubbing off the scars from the ropes. His compromise had worked and he was free. All he needed to do was replace the files in Patta’s office with the fake ones and hope that no one would catch him or his compromise to save his life.

1 comment:

  1. M happy that Heer is taking a stand for herself. Meera is quiet a headache.... And maybe that's why Ram must be longing for the love of her life!

    Raimal you are upto something, I just want to know what makes you think others are not upto something else???
