
Saturday 1 December 2018

Ruthlessly Served

Ruthlessly Served

Dheerbai smiled as she walked towards the conference room with her mind set on the goal. She needed to get herself a place on the board committee as Ajabde was out of town for an inspection. She knew the words by heart to manipulate the men that were going to be present for the meeting but she was not ready for the surprise waiting for her inside the room. She gasped in surprise looking at the committee members who were seated according to their positions. On the top front were Hansabai Punwar, Jaiwanta Bai Sisodia, Kokoia ji and Sajjabai Solankhini and following them were the other members but the presence of Jagmal, Maan and her ex-husband irked. It was Kokoia ji who spoke up

“Please take your seat, Dheerbai ji” the elderly lady spoke in her no-nonsense voice, “we need to start the meeting.”

Rao ji along with Udai Singh, Rawat Chundawat, Raja Hemant Solankhini and some of the other businessmen had gathered to discuss the situation at hand. The fluctuation of the market had affected the share values for all of them and even with projects at hand, the situation was not looking good.

“Bairam Khan is open to working on collaborative projects,” Rawat ji informed everyone as they all made a note about it.

“But is it a good idea?” Shakti piped in, “collaborative projects are good but we need something that would boost individual businesses as well. We need major investment in the region that would allow us to safely move through the market fluctuations.”

Some of the men nodded in agreement and one of them spoke up, “maybe we could send a proposal to Baijilal.”

The name itself piqued interest in everyone as the member continued, “I have heard that Jaimal Rathore ji worked with her whereby she invested into their project which is now running successfully. Baijilal invests in ideas that allow for development, maybe we could request for a meeting with her.”

As everyone focused on Baijilal and her business tactics, Pratap’s attention went back to the name Rawat ji had spoken off- Bairam Khan. The maternal uncle of Jalaluddin Mohammed Akbar, his interest in a collaborative project could not be without any interests. Ajabde, her name made him frown for he had seen Jalal’s closeness with her during the wedding and the gossip magazines had run with stories of the two of them dating

“Dadabhai” Shakti shook him gently bringing him back to reality, “meeting ended, let’s go.”

Dheerbai paced inside her bedroom angrily. Not only had she lost her place in the business but she had lost custody of her children as well. She had lost control over the trust fund of all three kids- Jagmal, Maan and Chand. Moreover, her expenditure was cut down to a monthly stipend that would cover her basic expenses and nothing more. She took out the second phone that was kept hidden from everyone and dialled the number on favourites,

“I have an interesting scoop for you,” she spoke, “it’s about Ajabde Punwar and Kunwar Pratap Singh Sisodia.”

A Secret Royal Baby: Pratap and Ajabde have a kid out of wedlock. Family shocked

The exes to reunite for sake of their child; Ajabde Punwar hid her pregnancy from everyone. Kunwar Pratap is willingly to give her another chance.

The news headlines rocked the whole of the region as well as the business sphere. Phones rang non-stop both at the offices as well as residences of the families involved in the scandal. The families reached out for extra protection when Jiwa on her way back from the temple was assaulted by the media. She had managed to come out of it without any scratch but the ordeal had scared her badly.

Patta sat beside his sleeping wife to whom the doctor had advised rest and given sedatives. His cell vibrated and without looking at the caller’s name he answered, “She’s fine, Heer.”

“And you?” Heer could hear the sigh that Patta took, “how are you doing?” she repeated her question.

“I’m angry,” he told her honestly “I want to beat some people up but I cannot do that for it will cause further damage. Papa has called the commissioner for extra security but..” he walked out of his bedroom into the living area of his suite.

“Shakti and Daata hukum have called for security here as well,” she spoke, “media personnel have camped outside. We are not allowed to leave without any escort and for the time being, all of our visits will be limited.”

Inside the Head Office of the news channel that had published the story, the boss was celebrating the rise in the ratings and sales unaware of the storm that he had invited in his life. He cheered amongst the employees as they cut-off a celebratory cake,

“Mr Parvat Das” a female authoritative voice made everyone frown for standing in front of them was not one but four legal representatives. A young woman took a step forward, “I’m Ruqqaiya Khan, legal aid to Ajabde Punwar. You are hereby served a legal notice for defamation, misleading information, abuse of power and couple other of things.”

She handed the papers to the gobsmacked man and turned to leave.

“What?” Parvat Das managed to speak up only to see the others looking at him like prey,

“Punwars are not the only ones” one of the trios spoke up, “Sisodias, Solankhinis and Rathores are serving you too.”

1 comment:

  1. Ruqqaiya Khan😍😍😍....
