
Thursday 15 November 2018

The Legacy

The Legacy

Rao Ramrakh looked through the file that his loyal butler had brought back. All of the papers were signed and dated. Rao ji nodded his head and gestured for him to leave. The news was raging with gossip about the aggressive business takeover by the leader of Punwars group. Everyone thought Ajabde had completely bankrupted the family that had created the ruckus in Bijolia during the celebration night, but none knew the truth that it was him.

“You always have been a sneaky person, Ram.”

Champak Lal stood holding a box of sweets as he entered the cabin and took his place on the couch.

“What do you want?” Rao ji asked calmly without showing off his irritation. 
Champak Lal smiled, “you know you cannot hide your irritation from me, but I have something for you.”

He opened the box that was filled with Raoji’s favourite snack- methi mathri and namak paare. Rao ji sat beside Champak Lal as he took a bite of the mathri,

“the taste is still the same” he commented.

“Of course it is, you have always been a picky eater since childhood,” 
Champak Lal teased him while Rao ji cracked a smile, “you would know” he replied.

“I came here for a serious talk,” Champak Lal took out a folded piece of paper and kept it on the table. 

“I want you to uphold your side of promise- I want you to free Ajabde from the burden she’s forced to carry.”

A hiccup interrupted the meeting as Ajabde Punwar excused herself from drinking some water. She was going through last-minute checklists for the online portal when all of a sudden she had a fit - nonstop hiccups. 

Somebody was cursing her out badly, must be Rao ji” she thought to make a face.

“Someone is recalling you it seems” one of the team members spoke up.

She looked a bit embarrassed but seeing her boss smile she added, “Maasa says hiccups come when someone somewhere is thinking about you.”

“Let’s get back to work” Ajabde joined them, “the portal needs to be prepared for an onslaught of orders as soon as we go live. What's the status from IT?”

Before the team could answer, her PA ran worried holding the phone in her hands.

“Ma’am..” she panted “it’s Hansabai ji.”

Hansabai glared at the intruders knowing fully well who had called them in her home. As soon as their cars had entered the driveway, she had told Jiwa to take the baby out for a stroll using the back exit along with security. She went to the living room along with a few maidservants and butler to make sure none of the visitors tried anything funny.

“It’s your daughter’s fault,” the lady shrieked at Hansabai. “She is the one who bankrupted us and now wants us to sign these papers to hand over that child to you.”

“I’m sure you are mistaken,” Dheerbai tried to appease the angry lady hoping to win brownie points from Hansabai Punwar.

“Dheer buasa is right” Ajabde entered the room, “if I wanted to bankrupt you then you wouldn’t be standing in front of my Maasa.”

She stood in front of the lady, “I suggest you go home and talk about everything with your family members especially the ones managing the business before coming to my house. Next time, there will be dire consequences.”

Jaiwanta Bai walked to the sitting area where Sajjabai ji was waiting for her. The latter had called her earlier excitedly which meant she had some gossip to share. Jaiwanta Bai was surprised to see her son chatting animatedly with Sajjabai ji,

“and then she sat up on her own,” Pratap showed her images of the baby who was sitting by herself. Sajjabai gushed over the pictures as the duo talked about the growing child.

“I thought you came to meet me” Jaiwanta Bai teased the duo, “here you are enjoying yourself with your nephew.” 

The duo stood to welcome her, and as they sat down, Sajjabai ji shared the real reason behind her visit,

“I have been approached for a collaborative project, but” she stopped mid-sentence. Sajjabai ji had studied business and had a dream of opening her restaurant but back in the old days, women were not allowed to work and the fact she had been educated was a privilege in itself.

“You should do it, behena” Jaiwanta Bai ji held her sister’s hands, “life has offered you a golden opportunity to showcase your talent to the world. Don’t run from it.”

“Par jija” she looked at her, “Log…”

“Logon ka kya hai mausi” Pratap spoke, “kuch toh log kahenge, logon ka kaam hai kehna. Unse humaara kya lena dena”

Sajjabai ji smiled, happy to receive the support from family. Her husband, son and daughter in law had also urged her to take the project but she had been scared so came to meet her jija. Now she knew that with the support of her family and loved ones, she could create her own legacy that she would pass down to the future generations.

The ping on her Mac made Ajabde smile, Sajjabai ji had accepted the proposal. The project was coming along really well. A new legacy was going to be created, that would live and inspire everyone for years to come.

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