
Monday 13 August 2018

Moved On ?

Moved On?

“The mole has been taken care off,” the guy told the woman who sat surrounded by dozens of wedding cards. “As per your instructions we sent out the information via text to Dheerbai ji too.”

The woman looked up a smile adorning her face, “by now Kokoia ji must have entered the board meeting and given Dheerbai the shock of her life. It’s time to get the others shocked as well. You know what to do.”

“Ajabde” the guy rubbed the back of his head and then looked at her “thank you for trusting me. And for letting me be a part of your evil plan.”

“This is not evil” she looked at him, “it’s pure genius, Jalal.” Jalaluddin Mohammed Akbar laughed out loud after a long time. He was so grateful to have Ajabde as his friend and support who stood by him through all his ups and downs.

“Yeah you are right, it’s pure genius. On this note let’s devour another pack of Parle G – G for genius” he winked.

 Patta looked at the people he had gathered – Heer, Chand, Maan, Jagmal and Jiwa. “We have to stop Jija.” 

All the kids nodded their heads in agreement except for Jiwa

“How do you intend on doing that?” she asked her husband, “Kokoia ji told everyone that both Jija and Maaji sa are preparing for the festivities, Chand showed us the pictures and her insta stories- they have finalised the wedding card and remember the incident during dinner.”

Dinner had been a quiet affair at the Punwar residence with Kokoia ji in attendance. Jiwa had cooked the meal with guidance from Kokoia ji who had praised her culinary skills and given her a gift as well. Dheerbai’s face had fallen flat on seeing the family heirloom Jiwa had received but it was the dialogue Kokoia ji said later that had everyone coughing, 

“wear it for the upcoming wedding in Bijolia.”

If that statement wasn’t enough, the senior lady received a call from the devil itself- Champak Lal who requested her for some guidance and support as he wished to cook for Ajabde. It was his way of reaching out to Ajabde and letting her know that he cares for her. The lady had smiled in approval and spoken to the man for nearly 30 minutes.

“Kokoia ji seems to approve of it,” Jiwa told her husband, “who do we have on our side except for us children?”

“Well you have me” Pratap entered their special hide-out as Chand ran to hug him. He wasn’t alone Shakti followed him shortly and joined them. As they sat down to discuss their plan, Chand went back on her Instagram to check on new updates when an image of Ajabde surprised her,

“Shut the F…” she exclaimed only to hear choruses of  “Chand language!!!”

She showed the images to her siblings, “Jalal is in Bijolia with Jija. I’m so following him; he’s posting way more pictures and stories than Jija though all of them are Jija-centric. Maybe they are dating.”

All eyes turned towards Pratap who seemed to be lost in the image Jalal had shared- it was Ajabde with her hair open, dressed in a red saree with tilla border, quarter sleeve black blouse with embroidered borders, her mother’s emerald choker and make-up that accentuated her features. She looked radiant and happy. 

Had she moved on with him, Pratap wondered.

Finally finished with all the tasks of the day she sat down for some quality downtime. The plan was going on well, and with Kokoia ji at the Punwar residence things would speed up quickly. Dipping her feet into the cold water of the pool she stared at the pristine water that reflected her image- alone, by her self just like always. His image floated into her thoughts- his curly hair that fell on his eyes, his smile that could melt ice, the gaze that would make her heart skip a beat and have butterflies flying all over her body, his whispers that made her body tingle. Their relationship was the one bond she cherished the most and fought to save, but fate had other things in mind. She would have walked any path- treacherous, smooth, rough or filled with potholes. He was her forever, but he changed the dynamics and expected her to comply just like her father. Maybe they were not meant to be she wondered, but then why did she feel relieved on seeing him and his empty ring finger. Shaking her head, she picked up the cell phone and surfed the net. Pratap Singh Sisodia she typed his name and clicked on images only to see thousands of pictures pop up on her screen. Some were well known to her, some were new, and some were edited well. As she scrolled down an image caught her eyes- it was Pratap alongside Rajkumari Phool Kanwar Rathore, and the line made her heart drop, 

New Royal Couple on the block- Kunwar Pratap Singh Sisodia and Rajkumari Phool Kanwar Rathore at the Sisodia Trust function.

Maybe he had moved on with her, she wondered.

The thought of moving on with someone ached two hearts that yearned for a chance to beat together just one more time.


  1. Misunderstanding... But ah well Jalal is here. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

    1. Question is will Jalal clear the misunderstanding or deepen it?
