
Thursday 16 August 2018



Photographs laid all around her as she sat arranging them in an album. From birth to childhood, teenage years and finally an adult, Ajabde’s life revolved around her family. As a child, she yearned for her father’s acceptance and approval but ever since the incident she had closed her heart. As a mother, it ached to see her child in so much pain especially when she would see her husband shower love and affection on the smaller ones and leave out their first born. HansaBai had hoped with Ajabde and Pratap’s alliance that the relationship between father-daughter would mend and her husband would finally acknowledge their daughter but it was all in vain. She could not forget the harsh words he had spoken to Ajabde and her child had calmly walked out of their lives, killing all hope of ever uniting with her father.

As a mother her biggest failure was when Ajabde’s siblings chose to stand by Pratap and not their sister. Ajabde was the ideal daughter, sister, friend who kept everyone before her but the one moment she chose herself everyone chose to oppose her.

The gathering was shaken with Raoji’s declaration, she could not believe her husband would say such an unforgivable thing to their daughter. She looked towards her daughter who stood all dressed up for what was supposed to be a celebration but had turned into a disaster. It was her daughter’s eyes that told her all hope was lost, Ajabde had completely closed her heart and killed all hopes with the words uttered by Raoji. Later that night, her child had walked out with her head held high away from the family and close ones who failed her.

“Hukum, Ajabde baisa has returned” a maid informed her about the arrival of the eldest child. She placed the album on the table along with the remaining pictures and walked out of her room.

“Prepare tea and send it to Ajabde’s room,” she told the maid as she walked towards Ajabde’s bedroom. She found Jalal and Ajabde bantering over the dress code for the upcoming festivities like small children.

“Now, calm down both of you,” she told them only to see Ajabde rush to hug her mother.

At the Punwar residence, Rao Ramrak walked in the corridors lost in thought. He had a meeting earlier with old friends who were all business associates as well. Due to a fall in the market, rising inflation and other factors everyone was facing issues in their respective business and societal positions.

We would have lost everything Rao ji, one of the men spoke if it wasn’t for Baijilal. She’s addressed by her title, Baijilal and that’s all we know. We received communication from her, she was interested in collaborative projects and has invested her money in the region with us. In fact, we all have profited after joining hands with her. If you ever receive an offer to work with her, do not let it go.

“Was this Baijilal the person they needed to protect and save the family business?” he wondered.

Hansabai smiled as her daughter explained her idea for the next venture, as she applied oil in her hair

“Just you watch Maasa, once the online portal goes live we are going to be everywhere. All the products will be featured on the website alongside with information about the art and the artisans. This is going to boost the confidence, morale and economy. We will create a space for our people on the net and get them in touch with the customers directly and not let anyone exploit them anymore”

HansaBai stared at Ajabde whose eye sparkled just like her father when he would tell her about his idea for the family business. Ajabde had inherited her father’s business acumen and established her empire all by herself without anybody’s help.

“Yes, I know you will bring prosperity and happiness to Bijolia and everywhere but in order to do that you need to eat and then take rest” she patted her head as Ajabde laughed.

“Besides we cannot have you tiring out early now, Baijilal” Hansa teased her daughter who smiled in return.