
Wednesday 14 September 2016

The Red Rose Killer

The Red Rose Killer

Ajabde: She killed him Pratap. Samar is dead. Help me please

Pratap: Ajabde…tell me where you are please

Before Ajabde could say another word her eyes fell on the shadow on the ground it was her


She looked at the girl that lay unconscious in front of her. If only she could kill her but that won’t help her plan. For her plan to succeed it was needed that both the girls stay alive for a little while longer. She picked up the cell and threw it at the wall destroying it. She looked at the mirror and smiled

I will have my revenge. Raghav got distracted and fell for that Kalpi but I will have my revenge at any cost.

The car came to a halt as both the guys got down and made their way towards the main entrance. They got down from it and looked at the getaway car which Samar had used to get the girls. Raghav was confused over Samar’s behaviour and actions because the man he knew would have never done something such as kidnapping an innocent girl. Whoever was behind it must have a stronghold over Samar. They had just taken a few more steps when their eyes fell on the girls – Ajabde was unconscious while Paakhi was curled up beside her while a female figure paced in front
Stop crying you fool she roared at Paakhi (who was uncontrollably sobbing)

The voice made goosebumps rise on Raghav’s body. His eyes widened as he realised that he indeed knew the person responsible for everything. Pratap curled his fist seeing Ajabde but it was Raghav’s reaction that had him alert. He pulled Raghav back as he was about to go and a rod fell from the corner alerting the figure.

The female figure heard the noise and turned in the direction of the boys

Who’s there?

The figure looked in all directions and then back at the girls- Ajabde was getting up while Paakhi was curled by her side. The figure knew what had to be done

Get up both of you she roared

Paakhi curled further while Ajabde still dizzy tried to stand but couldn’t
The figure took out her gun and aimed directly at them unaware that Ajabde had seen Raghav who was making gestures at her. Raghav gestured for Ajabde to keep silent and then at the figure to do something

Ajabde understood that he wanted her to make the figure spill out her plan.

Ajabde: Please don’t do this

Figure:  I don’t have to do this I know that but I need to do it so that I never get caught dear

Ajabde: I promise you I won’t ever say a word about this. 

Figure: Hmmm and what about our darling Paakhi?

Ajabde: You said it yourself that she was on drugs. No one would believe her that Raghav Singhania’s mother tried to kill her

Gauri Singhania smirked: I must say you are quite intelligent Ajabde just like Kalpi.

Ajabde: Kalpi loved Raghav as much as he did and from what little I understand they were happy

Gauri: She ruined my revenge. Raghav’s task was to ruin the Kapoors but she distracted him from everything we had worked upon. It was Kalpi who told him not to go after the Kapoors: the mother- daughter duo always thinking about the good of people. Raghav was supposed to marry this girl (points at Paakhi) and take everything from the Kapoors from their properties to their business even the clothes on their bodies were to be indebted to us. Instead he shows up on the day of wedding on my doorstep married to Kalpi Jadhav. 

Ajabde: Raghav married her because he loved her

Gauri: You must be a fool to believe in love. She married him because of his status and money. She belonged to a poor family and knew her dreams of being big would never come true

That is not correct Maa Raghav screamed

Raghav couldn’t bear anymore of the insults his mother hurled at his dead wife. Gauri stood shocked on seeing her son as he stared straight at his mother’s eyes

Kalpi was a hardworking young woman who had stepped away the moment she knew of my engagement with Paakhi. I was the one who took her to the temple where I forced her to marry me or she would see me kill myself. I took your revenge I destroyed the Kapoors

Gauri: Raghav beta she…

Raghav: Don’t you dare call me beta. Tell me did you do it- did you kill my wife

Gauri: Everyone knows Paakhi did it

Paakhi: I did everything on your saying- you said Kalpi was making him sad that he would only be happy with me. You gave me those pills. You got me addicted and when Samar tried to help me out you dragged him into it

Raghav: Let them go now and I promise you no one will ever speak about this matter. Stop this madness

Gauri Singhania couldn’t believe her son: You want me to stop the madness Raghav. Have you forgotten the pain they have given us- they killed your father, took away everything of ours, made us beggars

Raghav: And I made a life for us 

Gauri: But you forgot the revenge Raghav. That was the plan to come back and take what was ours but you got distracted with the thing called love and married her. I never forgot my revenge Raghav and while you were busy loving that Kalpi of yours I made a new plan. I went to Paakhi as a concerned mother and she played right into it doing everything I told her to do. I gave her those pills and got her addicted then made her do tasks in return for the pills. When Kalpi found out about the pills and questioned me I knew I had to do something so I told Paakhi that Kalpi knew of the pills and she was about to take them away from her just like she took away Raghav from her. Paakhi so enraged and addicted made my task way too easy as she killed that girl.

Raghav fell on his knees as the most tragic incident’s truth came out in the open. Pratap during all the talks had taken a different route to reach the girls. As Gauri was speaking to her son he managed to take Paakhi away first and went back for Ajabde who was slowly trying to crawl towards the place Pratap was hiding

Gauri meanwhile continued with her truth

Her death worked wonders as you became the ruthless Raghav I knew and wanted- snatching everything from the Kapoors and destroying their lives like they destroyed ours

Raghav: They ruined our lives but my own mother ended it. You knew how much I loved Kalpi and you snatched her away from me. Why did you involve Samar? He was a good friend and 

Gauri: Because he knew of my involvement Raghav. I would never leave a substantial threat alive

Raghav: So you plan on killing me too now that I know of your truth

Gauri smiled: Not at all after all you’re my son and my way out. Everyone else apart from you will die. Paakhi will be blamed for it. With the death of his entire family Mr Kapoor will be so broken that eventually he will kill himself

Raghav: You are a maniac if you think I will help you

Gauri: You will or your darling Kalpi’s entire family will meet a worse fate than Kalpi

Raghav walked up to his mother who now aimed a gun at him giving time to Pratap who was very near to Ajabde

Gauri: Raghav stop. Don’t come close or I’ll shoot

He didn’t listen to her and continued to walk towards her forcing her to fire a round

Raghav: You missed

Gauri: Not this time. She turned around to shoot Ajabde but saw no one 

Raghav took the opportunity and grabbed on to his mother’s hand trying to snatch away the gun. Pratap looked at Ajabde

Pratap: Stay here both of you.

Paakhi: You must be crazy that woman will kill you

Ajabde refused to let go of Pratap’s hand and he looked into her eyes: I will come back for you but Raghav needs help. That’s his mother. Here is my cell, call the police- Rana’s number is on the top of the call log. Tell him everything

Pratap kissed her forehead as he went back to help Raghav who had managed to take the gun away from his mother.

Raghav:  This ends now no more killing people. You have done enough

Gauri:  And you didn’t do anything. I should have killed that girl when I had the chance but Samar had to ruin it for me – sent a useless college boy to deliver those roses to her

Pratap: It was you

Gauri: Pratap I was wondering when you were going to show yourself. Yes I was the one sending the flowers to your girlfriend Ajabde – it was so easy to get all her details. Internet is a boon for people like us who wish to get information in the security of their bedrooms. Samar was a big help too he was the one who followed her and got her routine down. To be fair it was Samar who sent the flowers – his name will be found at the florists, bill receipts, credit card payments everything.

Pratap: And you just confessed to everything

Gauri: It doesn’t change anything

Pratap: Yes it does. 

Police sirens blared loudly and a few moments later the entire place was swarming with the police. Gauri looked glaringly at her son and then at Pratap

Gauri: You called the police on your own mother

Raghav: No Maa listen to me

Gauri: You are no son of mine. You didn’t take the revenge for our family; you ruined everything by falling in love with that girl. I won’t forgive you

She pointed the gun at Raghav when Rann Singh and the others surrounded them. Gauri Singhania paid no heed as she pressed the trigger of the gun.


  1. Oh lord!!!! Hoe she missed the aim N Raghav is safe...

    She sure was a maniac N a awful human being blinded by the revenge.

    I just loved the surprise element Garima. Gr8 going dear....

    1. Suju di

      Hope so too... glad you enjoyed it :)

  2. OMG!! you left me hanging here Garima!!
    I love this story!!
    plz update soon

    1. Hi

      So good to see you here
      Sometimes hanging is good for health :P

      Hope you enjoy the last update
