
Sunday 4 September 2016



Raghav was not having a good day as first Pratap punched the daylights out of him in his own home and now Mr Kapoor had slapped him hard calling him the root cause of the death of his family members, his daughter had been taken out of the asylum by Samar and no one knew where he had taken the girls. Paakhi’s reports revealed that she had been using drugs and was going through withdrawal. 

Pratap was angry at himself for not being there knowing the scares they had recently. All he wanted to do was to find Ajabde and the beat Samar to the pulp before taking down the real person behind it. His gut screamed of Raghav’s involvement – he might not have had the girls taken but he was the reason of their kidnapping and every bad thing that had been happening to them.  He slammed shut the door of his car as he started the car the passenger side door opened and Raghav sat down beside him.

Raghav: I think I know where the girls are but we cannot take the police. Samar is my friend and I need to know why he did all of this

Pratap: Are you crazy? He has a gun and I’m sure he must have more ammunition where-ever he has kept the guns

Raghav: I know you blame me for Ajabde’s kidnapping but I know Samar and he won’t ever hurt someone. So I’m asking you to just come with me. Call the police once we have the answers

Pratap stared at him hard: I don’t care if he is your friend or brother. One scratch on my Ajab and I will not leave him alive

She stared at the two girls trying their hardest to keep the blood flowing out of their kidnapper’s body. Samar was such a fool who feel for her words and now the poor guy was bleeding out to death for his foolishness. He dared to threaten her 

I’ll tell Raghav everything you understand. I’ll tell him how you are the real reason behind Kalpi’s death. You instigated Paakhi, gave her drugs and then you tempered with the car. He will never forgive you

Ajabde and Paakhi were drenched in Samar’s blood trying to stop the bleeding and were failing at it. Samar knew his time was over but he had to make things right so he tried to tell the girls but instead he coughed up blood

Ajabde: Please don’t say anything. Everything will be fine. Pratap will come looking for me and then we will take you to the doctor

Paakhi: Who is Pratap?

Samar: Aaa…jab…I’m ssss….sorry

Ajabde: It’s okay….everything is going to be okay

Paakhi: It’s not going to be okay. We are stuck here and that crazy woman will kill us

Ajabde: You are not helping Paakhi. Samar everything is going to be fine

Samar stared at Ajabde’s face: Kalpi….I’m sorry…I’m breaking….my promise to you. I could not take care of Raghav…. Kalpi I swear everything I did was for him. I….uhhh…wanted him to be happy but he was not the same without you so I agreed to all her wishes hoping that Raghav would return to his normal self

Samar tried holding onto her hands which she clasped tightly with tears running down her face as she realised Paakhi was right – nothing was okay.  She looked at her only to realise that she was patting down Samar’s body like an investigator

Paakhi: Stop staring and start looking

Ajabde: For what?

Paakhi: I don’t know keys, cell anything that would help us get out of here before she comes back

Ajabde: Why is she doing this to us? I mean doesn’t she love Raghav and wants his happiness

Paakhi:  Apparently no otherwise we wouldn’t be here. Found it (shows a disposable cell that was tucked underneath his shirt)

Pratap was silently following directions but his body language clearly showed the rage and frustration he was feeling. Taking another turn that led them to a dirt path Pratap’s cell rang

Pratap:  An unknown number

Raghav: Answer it

Pratap pressed the green icon when the voice he craved to hear came 

Pratap….Pratap it’s me 

Pratap: Ajabde!!!  Are you okay? 

Raghav: Ajabde

Ajabde (scared voice): She killed him Pratap. Samar is dead. Help me please

Pratap: Ajabde...tell me where you are 

Aaahhhhhhhhhhhh her scream was the last thing they heard.


  1. Ohhh dear Samar!! You fell for her...Hmmm who can that be Raghav's mother OR Kamla???

    1. You are so close to the killer's identity. next update reveals it all
