
Tuesday 16 August 2016



The figure stared at the bodies lying in the front – one male and the other female. It was time to come out of hiding as the plan had already taken too long and more time meant more breaths for Ajabde. The figure gave one last glance at the bodies before walking away from the scene unaware that the plan would proceed much faster as a wandering soul had seen the bodies and was now running off to inform the police.

Within hours the entire dilapidated hut was overflowing with the police and search teams. Bodies had been sent to the morgue for post-mortem while search dogs were sniffing the area around for some scent or clue but the rains had washed away the scent. Whoever planned the murders was well aware that everything was working in his/her favour. 

Rann Singh stared at the images and re-read the statement of the eye witness who only saw the back of the figure – dressed in pure black with a cap. Height average, build was average and the hands were covered with gloves. 

Rann Singh stared in frustration when one of the constables came running: Sir ji you have to look at this

He handed him a packet that had images, blueprints, car details and some sort of residue. All the images belonged to the Punwar girl as her name was mentioned in each and every one of them. But it was the car details that spiked his interest- it was the same car that was used for the blast.

RS: It means everything is connected to each other

Constable: Ji sir ji. Some of the residue has been sent to the lab and we also discovered some remains of bomb-making materials

RS: Whoever is behind the blast wanted Ajabde Punwar dead. She’s the main target. Get the car we need to speak to them

Ajabde and Subhagyawati had come to the mall to spend some time together after everything that had happened. Pratap knew she was tensed because she had stopped her dance practice as well so he called Subhagyawati to make plans on improving Ajabde’s mood

Ajabde:  Why are we at the mall Subho?

Subho:  Because you need a change Ajabde especially after everything that has happened

Ajabde: I’m fine

Subho: Then why did you stop your practice

Ajabde had no answer for her question

Subho:  We are going to spend this day here at the mall getting the best therapy for the stress

Ajabde: What would that be?

Subho:  Retail therapy (both girls laugh)

The girls made their into the Forever 21 store unaware that a figure had followed them. Keeping a safe distance from the two girls the figure observed their movements. Seeing her laugh without a care in the world made the figure smile as only the figure knew that after that day she would never laugh again. It was time for Ajabde to say her goodbyes

Pratap sat looking at the files Rawatji had brought for him as he intended on joining his father’s business so they had decided he would start learning the ways of the business soon. The bell rang repeatedly making him frown and the frown deepened when Rann Singh entered with his constables

Pratap: Inspector what brings you here?

RS: We are here to meet Miss Punwar

JB: She’s not here at the moment Inspector

RS: Ma’am it is important we learn of her whereabouts as soon as possible

Pratap: What is going on inspector?

RS: We need to speak with Miss Punwar regarding the case. Everything that has happened till now including the blast and those murders has a common link – Miss Punwar

JB: Inspector you are saying that she is responsible for all this

RS: No Ma’am I’m telling you that she is the reason for everything.  We found two more bodies this time a female as well and from the scene we were able to also able to find some more clues that includes images with Miss Punwar’s name, time and the place, blueprints for a studio and other things.


The girls made their way towards their car when Ajabde felt the hairs on her back rise. She gave a side glance to Subho who was busy speaking on the phone while managing the bags in her hands. One of the bags in Subho’s hands fell down when a car rushed towards the girls 

Ahhhhh a scream tore out of Ajabde when a hooded figure came out with a gun in his hands. He gestured for Ajabde to get inside while pointing the gun at Subho

Ajabde:  Let her go …please

The figure fired a warning shot scaring the girls when they heard the alarms of the police cars. The figure stood still for couple of seconds seeing the police cars pool around them and then roughly pulled Ajabde towards the car



Pratap stood numb seeing Ajabde being forced inside the car but she was still struggling when the figure angrily hit her head with the butt of the gun

Pratap: Don’t touch her

He tried to take a step towards them but was stopped by the constables. The figure hurried into the car and it rushed off towards the exit. The last image Pratap saw was of the figure’s hood removed from the face while trying to adjust Ajabde and he knew the person


RS: who?

Pratap: That’s Raghav Singhania’s assistant/friend Samar. We’ve met him before

RS: This means that

Pratap: Raghav Singhania is involved. I won’t leave that man if he hurts Ajabde


  1. wow wow n wow.... Samar was not even on the list of mine!!! but thrilled beyond limits!!!

    Now waiting for the next part even more eagerly

    1. Suju Di

      At first I was not going to use Samar but decided on it sure the revelation of the killer will also blow your mind

      Next part is now up
