
Saturday 23 July 2016



Jaiwanta Bai wife of Uday Singh was not in a happy mood. Her son had been injured in a blast along with Ajabde whom she loved as her own daughter and she had to learn about the incident from the news channels as her husband didn’t think of informing her. She sat quietly sipping on her tea while her husband filled her over everything that had happened including the exclusion of the Kapoors and the deal with Raghav Singhania

JB: We need to keep Raghav Singhania away from the children

US: I understand that Ajabde happens to be look like his wife

JB: Ajabde is an exact replica of his wife who was murdered gruesomely in front of him. Everything that has been happening with her somewhere I feel he is connected. All of this has to be connected

US:  I understand your worries but I don’t think he would turn up at our doorstep to meet with the kids

Their servant interrupts them informing them of Raghav Singhania’s presence making US look surprised while JB just nodded her head with no emotions on her face. Raghav stood with a bouquet of fragrant red roses with white wild flowers as US and JB welcomed him inside

Raghav: I apologise for coming without informing you before Mr Sisodia I heard about your son getting injured in the blast at the station along with his friend Miss Punwar so I thought of bringing flowers and wish them a speedy recovery

JB: That was really thoughtful of you Mr Singhania unfortunately Pratap and Ajabde are not here at the moment. Inspector Rann Singh wished to speak to them with regards to the case so both of them are at the office. My husband came a little early as he had to pick me up from the airport

Raghav hid his disappointment on not being able to meet Ajabde: It’s alright Mrs Singh but please do pass on these flowers and my wishes to them

JB smiled as she took the flowers and went inside while Raghav spoke with US for a couple more minutes on the pending business deal before leaving.

Inside his car Raghav fumed on not being able to meet with Ajabde. He needed to meet with her and make a new impression of himself so that he could charm her but that inspector had to come between them. The car stopped on a signal when he casually turned to look around and the scene left him happy for fighting with a beggar was none other than Neetu Sahil Kapoor. He made a video of her and sent it to a journalist friend with the text – something spicy for your evening news.

Neetu Kapoor was fed up of everything- the woman who used to attend cocktail parties, wear designer clothes and drink expensive champagne was now forced to do her own cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping. Carrying the bag filled with vegetables wearing a cotton saree she looked at her image in the mirrors kept on the vendor’s stall. She looked at herself and dropped her bag with a thud

Oh my poor skin has to suffer so much because of that Raghav. My once glowing skin has lost all its shine and

Behenji your vegetables – a passer-by informed her of the bag that lay on the ground open with the vegetables out and beggar children picking them up

No…..stop I said…those are mine

Neetu Kapoor didn’t realise that she was about to become famous again for all the wrong reasons.  She picked up the bag and walked back to the small room her family was forced to move unaware of the hooded figure trailing her. She was about turn when a hand came from behind with a cloth and pressed it to her mouth. As she struggled a car came and the hooded figure pushed her into it and then looked around before jumping into the car.

Pratap and Ajabde were at the doctor’s for their check-up that they had to postpone because of the meeting with Rann Singh. He waited patiently while Ajabde got her check-up finished when an alert came, it was from his mother
I will see you both at dinner.
Pratap smiled as he read the message and looked up to see Ajabde come out from the cabin. She had a huge smile on her face

Ajabde: All cleared. No more medicines for me

Pratap: Let’s go home

As they made their way towards their car someone called out

Ajabde beta

As she turned around she found Kamla standing along with two men who were staring at her as if they had seen some ghost

Kamla: Sorry beta I heard on the news that you got hurt. I hope you are doing better

Ajabde nodded her head when one of the men whispered

Exactly like our Kalpi

Ajabde tightened her hold on Pratap’s hand and Kamla saw it

Kamla: This is my husband Vitthal and that’s my son Pakya. We don’t want to disturb you but we really wish to speak with both of you. It is important

Ajabde: Ji

Pratap: What is it about?

Pakya: It’s about the Kapoors… Everyone feels but I know for sure that it is them who are targeting Ajabde


  1. Ahhh Loved Neetu Kapoor this way...

    Again m thinking abt Pankhi's brother!!! And Raghav learn to stop where u should. Hope Kamala, Vitthal, N Pakya will shred some light on who's trying to kill Ajabde. Good going Garima

  2. Ahhh Loved Neetu Kapoor this way...

    Again m thinking abt Pankhi's brother!!! And Raghav learn to stop where u should. Hope Kamala, Vitthal, N Pakya will shred some light on who's trying to kill Ajabde. Good going Garima

  3. We will soon see the brother and Raghav is going the wrong path- let's see if he stops

    Thanks Suju di :)
