
Monday 13 June 2016

Attacked Part II

Attacked Part II

Pratap stared at the silent girl who was clearly holding over to the one thing he had hoped she would let go off

Pratap: Ajabde I understand you are mad about it but sometimes it happens

Ajabde (looked at him): It happens? Pratap nothing good is happening first the slap case with Raghav Singhania then I find out I resemble his wife who is dead, the Dean got fired and blames me for it, somebody broke into my home only to leave behind red roses and I don’t even like red roses

Pratap: I know what you need Miss Punwar

He stood up and pulled her as well

Ajabde: Arrey where are we going? 

He just took her hand in his and walked towards the car. They had been driving for the last 20minutes or so and on a regular interval like an alarm she would pester him with the same question

Where are we going? Tell me. I hate surprises

All he did was smile knowing fully well that she was happy to be away from everything. The road now was surrounded by trees on both sides as they had left the city behind then it fell- first one then two and more. Droplets fell on the windscreen

It’s raining!!!! She exclaimed

The weather and the drive were working its magic as Ajabde allowed herself to forget about all the worries that were haunting her. They stopped at roadside stall and got garam chai. Ajabde smiled as she took in the beautiful sight- the drizzling rains, swaying trees and the tea spreading its warmth with every sip. She finally felt relaxed
Thank you she said to Pratap who was staring at his cell intently so she gently placed her hand on his and the look he gave filled her with dread- something was wrong

Pratap: We have to go. It’s important

Both of them quickly got back into the car and this time the silence that descended upon them was tensed. Pratap kept on thinking about the message he had received

The junior who had delivered the roses has been found dead. Come back asap

Pratap: Ajabde listen to me carefully we are going to the police station

Ajabde: Police station but why?

Pratap: The boy who had been delivering you those roses and packages

Ajabde: The junior?

Pratap: Yeah. His body was found by the police

Ajabde (shocked): Bo….bod….body

Pratap parked the car in the side and took her hands in his: Yes and we have to go to the station
Ajabde: Why ? They should be looking for his killer
Pratap: Rawatji thinks we can help them
Ajabde: why is this happening to me? First that Singhania then the roses, now we have a dead person
Pratap: Hey calm down I’m here (Ajabde starts to sob and he gathers her in his arms) I’m here and I won’t let anything happen to you. Dad is sending Rawatji to the station with us so don’t worry. Everyone knows you are not involved

Ajabde just hugged him tight and as he wiped off her tears she managed to give him a smile. Outside the police station they met Rawatji who was Uday Singh’s personal lawyer he had been briefed about the case and appointed himself as Ajabde’s attorney. Both of them smiled seeing the elder man and they made their way inside where Inspector Rann was waiting for them.

Ajabde was made to recall all the times she had met with the dead boy and every word was noted down by the constable. Rawatji's presence helped as he kept everything in check
Rann: Thank you for speaking to us but until this investigation is complete we have to ask you to not go out of town

Rawatji: Are there any leads or any suspect

Rann: Unfortunately no. All we had was the call statement and the one number that constantly called was a prepaid sim. The details of the owner turned out fake. Miss Punwar we will in touch with you and the last package you received – the blood stained rose

Ajabde looked confused: What blood stained rose? 

Pratap looked at Rawatji and then at Ajabde

Ajabde: What are they talking about Pratap?

Pratap: The package he delivered to you during your practice

Ajabde: I thought the package was missing

Rawatji: Beta the package had a blood stained rose and we thought best to send it to the lab for testing

Ajabde looked at Pratap in pure shock: Why didn’t you tell me this before? A blood stained rose of all things- the blood could be that of the killer or some other victim!!

Rann: It was not human blood. Reports have confirmed that the blood belonged to a cat

Ajabde: Is that supposed to make me feel good Inspector

She stood up and walked away in anger. A blood stained rose was delivered to her but why


She heard Pratap call her name but she was pissed off at him. He was supposed to tell her all these things and not hide them from her. Suddenly a car came from nowhere startling everyone

Arey…dekhkar….move out

The car moved in full speed towards the girl who was lost in her thoughts and the last thing people saw was the car collided with the police jeep and an explosion rocked the entire station.

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