
Monday 6 June 2016

Attacked Part I

Part I

The figure paced the room with the blood stained pen knife twirling on the glass table beside the couch. Near the door was a bag filled with bloody clothes, shoes and documents. The figure looked at the television on which the breaking news came on

An unidentified body of a young man has been found in the forests. From what we have learned the man was stabbed multiple times before he was stripped naked and left to rot in the forest. Police has started the investigation and are trying to find some clues with regards to the identity of the body. Body has been sent for post-mortem.

Poor boy I told you not to interfere in my business but you couldn’t stop your pathetic self from butting in so this is what happens when you try to interfere with my business.
Suddenly the knife stopped twirling making the figure look at it and in swoop the knife was picked up and thrown as a dart on the wall that was covered in pictures. Next in line was none other than Neetu Sahil Kapoor making the figure smile evilly. Taking out the cell a quick message was typed

Package is ready. Will send you the location soon, deliver it on time and try using someone who won’t peek into the package like the last boy.

The junior student was a good fellow until he decided to take a peek into the package that was being sent to her. Looking at other people’s stuff is a big no and for once the junior might have survived if he hadn’t decided to go and speak to the police about the blood stained red rose. Death was the only acceptable punishment for the boy

The police brought out the dogs to look for some clues, tracks or anything that would help them with the identification of the body, killer or anything that will take them a little further. Inspector Rann Singh looked at the position and place the body had been discovered hoping against all odds to find some clue when his eyes landed on the shrub nearby. He knelt down moving the branches when he found it- a cell phone nestled between the branches. With the help of his handkerchief he picked up the cell phone and placed it in a ziplock bag.

Send it to the lab. Get all details out- from the name to the last call statements. I want everything that is on this phone on my table within the next 24hrs

Rann Singh looked at the scene one last time before he drove off in his jeep. They had a clue but where would it lead to?

Singhania Residence
Raghav read the file all over again as his fingers traced the picture of the girl beside it

Name: Ajabde Punwar

It was the name that acted like a sword was thrust into his heart again and again. She looked exactly like his Kalpi and during the show when she had descended from the aerial bar for a minute he felt that his Kalpi had returned to him. Unable to control he had rushed to the stage and hugged her tight only to end up getting slapped from her. He knew Sammy had controlled the fall-out of the entire fiasco and the media houses were asked to keep mum on it as well. 
Being cooped up in the house had given him time to come to terms with everything – his Kalpi was gone and the girl he had seen was Ajabde Punwar. He needed to apologise to her and so he had asked his private investigator to get him a file on the girl. Raghav looked at the image of her with the boy- Pratap Sisodia; they made a nice couple but not as good-looking as he and Kalpi.

 Raghav looked at his wife’s portrait

I know the reason I saw Ajabde it is you who is trying to come back to me. So what if her name is Ajabde it doesn’t change the fact that she looks like you Kalpi and I know she will be exactly like you and this time I won’t let anyone come between us. You have come back to me and I will keep you with me forever even if you return to me with a different name

Raghav smiled as he ordered a huge bouquet of red roses from his florist with a sorry card. It was time to work his charm on Ajabde Punwar


  1. Oh oh Raghav is being obsessive here... n thts bad as it gives leverage to the actual killer. Or can Raghav be the killer who has lost his mind after loosing Kalpi??

    And any look alike of Kalpi is either to come to him or to die...

    Interesting it is....

    1. Suju Di

      Obsession can be so deadly... Raghav could be the killer and he might not be

      Killer will only come towards the climax which is a couple of updates away

      Glad you liked it :)

  2. Hi myself shruti
    Oh no raghav stay away from ajab she will never come to u and agar pratap ko pata chala na toh vo kya karega koi nahi janta
    Its getting intresting but plz some praja moments.

    1. Hi Shruti
      Nice to meet you

      Pratap ko pata chalega toh Raghav ka band bajega
      Praja moments in the next update that will come on Saturday
