
Saturday 4 January 2020

The List of Firsts

The List of Firsts

The List of Firsts
ü  Watching the stars in night
ü  Riding the bus (on the top)
ü  Sleep in a tent
He smiled reading her list of firsts while she slept soundly in the bedroom. Six months felt like a lifetime ever since she entered his life. He had left to pass his father’s test, “live as a commoner, earn your bread, prove your worth as a Punwar- for six months.” It was time for him to return and take his place as the second son but a part of him did not want to leave- without her

Pratap smiled seeing her giggle like a young, carefree girl as they rode on the bicycle near the desert. He had sneaked her away from the gala with a promise of “a night full of fun and laughter.” A night he had planned after learning more about her likes and dislikes, of her fascination with history, love for the desert and craving for an affection that ran deeper than the seas.  

He pointed at the tent set in the middle of nowhere watching her frown at him for stopping the ride. Watching her eyes widen with excitement, the way she twirled in the sand without care and her laughter that filled the air around him made him fall for her- harder and deeper.

She smiled at him as they stood at the bus stand for his departure. Last six months had been a whirlwind of adventure, excitement, laughter and love for the couple. They had met each other for the first time at the bus stand so it made sense to part in the same place as their meeting. She hid her sorrow well and he knew ways to control his emotions after all being a royal required one to not let emotions rule you but the opposite. The bus arrived and soon passengers started to line up for it

“Thank you for everything,” she told him with a smile. “Have a safe trip back home”

He nodded his head, “I should be thanking you. You taught me so much in the past six months about life, people and challenges. Thank you for letting me become a part of your firsts, Hansa”

Ruqqaiya adjusted her hair showing off the big diamond ring on her left hand but it seemed the guy in front did not get the hint at all. He had been pestering her for a little while for a dance and she had been politely declining him

“This next dance is a slow one,” the guy told her barely hiding his irritation, “please do me the honour”

“I’m really sorry but I cannot,” she replied calmly as well.

“And may I ask the reason for your denial,” his voice rose a few notches earning glances from nearby folks.

Before she could respond, a hand came to rest on the small of her back pushing her gently towards itself and a handsome man dressed in uniform responded,

“She cannot dance with you for all her dances are reserved for me.” The handsome guy turned looked at her, “shall we”

The slow music was perfect for them as she danced in close proximity to her rescuer. Having him by her side was the best gift she could have asked for but she knew of a gift that would tenfold their happiness.

“Let’s get out of here,” she whispered in his ears as they went round in a circle and found their escape

Ramrakh drove crazily towards the house that had become his salvation. He had told his father about his decision and taken off the second he learned about Hansa’s sickness. Apparently, she had been waiting for him at the bus stop non-stop for the whole month and as it was the monsoons, she had been getting drenched from head to toe every day. He took a sharp swerve scaring himself and his companion,

“Everything will be okay, Ram” his companion told him. “I’m sure your Hansa would be fine”

Ram nodded his head, “She better be perfect because I don’t know what I would do without her, dadabhai”

Ruqqaiya hugged her rescuer tight as he gave her the news,

“Wait so this means I get you for the whole month,” she looked at him as he nodded his head
“Well, both the training and mission went smoothly so the team has been given a month off,” he told her hugging her tight. “I missed you, begum jaan”

“We missed you too,” she handed him the ultrasound picture making his eyes go wide. A moment later, laughter rang as he twirled her around in pure happiness and excitement. They were going to become parents. She was going to become a mother, news she wished to share with the one person she had shared most of her firsts with- her shouhar, her companion,  her only childhood friend apart from Pratap, the one with whom she had fallen in love at first sight, her Indian Army Special Commando- her Jalal.

Hansabai tilted her head assuming she was still dreaming as Ramrakh walked around the room organising her stuff. She had passed out due to high fever and had been out of consciousness for three days. His was the first face she saw upon opening her eyes

“Are you really here or am I dreaming again?” she asked making him stop in his tracks.
“What do you think?” he asked her

Ajabde had her head on his shoulder as they sat looking at the stars while the campfire kept them warm. He had covered her with his jacket to keep her warm and they were simply enjoying the silent night of the desert. He put his hand around her shoulders as she had curled a little tighter into herself,

“Why are you doing this, Pratap?” she asked her voice unsure and scared, “why are you making me fall in love with you?”

His gaze made her shiver for it felt like he could see her soul ache for affection. She had been successful in creating a strong defence around herself but he had managed to get past all of it to her true scared self

“Because I’m in love with you,” he told her. His voice sure, calm and completely honest, “I have fallen deeply, irrevocably and madly in love with you, Ajabde and I plan on being the only one who shares all of your firsts”

Ramrakh sat beside his still sick Hansa as they made a list of things they wished to do together
·       Go for a battle together
·       Visit to Gangaur ghat during Gangaur
·       A small home
·       Trip to Paris with children
Hansabai looked at the last one with a frown, “you want to go on a trip to the most romantic place with children”
Ramrakh nodded his head, “favourably when they are small, for then, it will be our first trip as a family”

“Sorry to interrupt you two,” a third voice joined, “but shouldn’t you meet each other’s families before taking trips with children of your own”

Ramrakh looked scared while Hansabai nodded her head, “you are right, Dadabhai. This is going to be our first” she crossed out Go to a battle together


  1. Wow. Amazing update. I don't even know which part was my favourite. Actually all of it. Ruqlal becoming parents! Hansrakh and their adventures together or our very own Praja confessing. I must admit I like how clearly Pratap conveyed it. All said and done, kudos to you, for putting the scenes together like a screen play that is attractive and gripping. Loved it!

    1. Suranya,

      Woah a big comment after a long time. Glad you enjoyed it :)

  2. The flow of the update was very very fluent. What I like the most is clarity of relations, at least as it seems in this update.

    The present and Flashback are aligned so well that you read the present events with the past lingering on your mind. It creates a cascading effect for today's events and also underline the fact that the learning from the past will make the present generation fight harder for their loved ones.

    Finally Jalal is here. Glad that he and Ruqs are happily married and are on the family way. Also this makes Pratap and Ruqs friendship even more dearer. HAnsa and Ram in that romantic avatar was good to see. And the question arises; Why did he leave her! I love the fact that Hansa is made of Solid Steel!!

    Waiting for things to unfold; specially after the father daughter waltz at the Gala.

    1. Suju di,

      Thank you!! Past will definitely strengthen the present but we need to wait and see the how and who
      Yeah, we'll see more of Jalal-ruqqs-Pratap chemistry in the later updates and how one relationship strengthens the bond with the others
