
Tuesday 24 December 2019

The Lioness' Den

The Lioness’ Den
Pratap gave his signature smile dazzling the women as well as men working in the HR department. He was waiting for his new ID card that would function as a AAA card in the office building. It was one of the perks for being the boss’s personal assistant. He had done an intense training session with the other PA who would take a back-seat while he would be the forefront for the coming days. She had welcomed him with warmth and assured him of complete support and help,

She might seem strict and scary but our boss is very considerate, fair and works ethically.

He made his way back to his new office with a kick in his step. He had entered the lion’s den and now, he would make sure to survive and prove his worth.

Sajjabai sniffled as her husband discarded the tissue box and placed a new one in front of her. His wife had been crying for over an hour, conjuring up wild scenarios in her head which all led to her nephew calling out for help.

“If I had known I would never have said those things,” she looked at her husband hoping for some understanding. “I was worried that she might trick him to enter our family” her sobs began again as her husband sighed and passed the newly opened tissue box to her. She looked at her husband hoping for some comfort but he had walked away leaving her alone with her wild thoughts.

Pratap was sweating as he carried a pile of files from the storeroom to the boss’s cabin. He took a step towards the elevator but was stopped mid-way by the peon who directed him towards the staircase. Panting he arrived at the 7th-floor cabin and kept the files down

“Ohh I didn’t need them anymore,” his boss told him with a smile. “How about you keep them back in the storeroom and get the HR report. I have a meeting in 15minutes.”

Pratap rushed down the stairs, dropping the note about the report in the HR department before going to the storeroom. He didn’t realise his keys had fallen out of his pocket before he entered the storeroom. The door locked behind him and without his keys, there was no way out. He had left his cellphone on his desk and as it was lunch hour the staff was gone as well

Pratap knocked the door, “Open the door…somebody help me”

Sajjabai found herself running, “I’m coming Pratap” she called out, “don’t you worry.” She tried opening the door but it would not budge.

“Open you stupid door,” she banged it harder on hearing Pratap’s cries. She tried looking for the keys but found nothing

“You are not going to find anything,” a voice came from behind. It was the girl whom she had insulted in Surjgarh as well as when they ran into her again.

“He will be stuck in there forever,” she gloated, “working  day and night as my personal slave”

“No….” Sajjabai told her, “you cannot do this”

“Ohhh I can and I will…consider this payback for your insults”

Noooooooooo Sajjabai shot right up a sweat over her brows, heart thumping loudly and fear visible on her face. She looked around to see her sister sitting by her bedside looking concerned, Shakti was at the edge along with his father

“My Pratap is in trouble,” she told her sister, “I have to go and help him.”

It took the collective effort of Jaiwanta Bai, Shakti and Sangram Singh to calm down the worried and scared Sajjabai. They sat down for a cup of tea after giving medicine to the latter. Shakti served tea to everyone,

“I have never seen Maasa this scared for Dadabhai,” he looked at the elders concerned. Sangram Singh smiled, “she’s worried because she said hurtful words to your Dadabhai’s new boss”

“So, the event organiser is Pratap’s new boss” Shakti’s father asked as Jaiwanta Bai nodded her head confirming the news.

“He needs to learn the business before joining,” Sangram Singh quipped, “I called in some favours and got him a job” the old man seemed quite proud of himself.

“Bade Daajira, but isn’t event management different from our family business” Shakti asked innocently only to find the elder man smiling mischievously.

“Your dadabhai is not working in event management,” Jaiwanta spoke up, “he is working as a PA to the VP of Chauhans”

Shakti’s eyes widened as his mother’s sobs and words floated into his mind. “If I had known who she was then I would not have said those things….”

Shakti looked at the elders one by one, his gaze stopping at the eldest, “you mean the girl who worked as an event organizer in Surajgarh is the VP of Chauhans?”

Sangram Singh nodded his head, “yes, she is none other than Rajkumari Ajabde Singh Chauhan of Bijolia, Vice-President of the Chauhan group and currently, she happens to be your Dadabhai’s boss.”

Ajabde sat in her office pretending to work but her eyes were going back towards him. Her mother had dropped a bombshell on her earlier about a new Personal Assistant as Jiwa could not do all the work after all it could be quite overwhelming. Ajabde didn’t think much of it since it was the first time her mother had chosen a team member for her. So, she decided to accept the decision but when she came face to face with the new member she was speechless and in shock,

“My name is Pratap Singh and I will be your new PA” he had introduced himself with a smile. “I promise to work hard and prove my worth”

She shut her Macbook as memories of their conversations rushed back to her. He wanted to find a way to show to everyone especially the ones who only saw him as the Kunwar that he was way more than a royal. 

She picked up the intercom and waited for Jiwa to answer, “Tell Pratap I wish to speak with him and send two Americanos.”

10 minutes later, they sat on the couch with their drinks in front of them and a pack of Parle G on the table. Pratap took a sip of his Americano as Ajabde held on to her drink

“Why are you here, Pratap?” she looked at him. “What is your reason for entering the Lioness’s Den?”


  1. I am loving this image of Pratap working his ass off for Ajabde. Why was it a dream! And I will wait for the answer. Why Pratap?

    1. It was not a dream rather a nightmare, Suranya
      I might turn it to reality soon :P

      Answers will be given, soonish

  2. How lucky can it get for you Pratap... Your grandfather is trying to set you up with a girl who will settle you in professional as well as personal life.

    I too was hoping that the dream was a reality. And why Pratap; The answer is HE LOVES AVIATION!!
    AJABDEH will be the slipstream every time Pratap takes off. Their journey together will be the vapour trail that will put a smile on everyone's face. He might teach Ajabdeh how to handle the payloads of her life! They together will navigate the no fly zone without a Mayday! Sangram Singh will be their Beacon. And He was drawn to her as they both climbed the ceiling the very first night they we together. I am sure his aerobatics will turn Ajabdeh softer towards emotions and will sonic boom life with an absolutely perfect Pitch!!

  3. Suju di,

    I'm in love with your comments. You see everything so deeply and bring out connections that I worry might not make sense but your comments tell me that they do- so encouraging!!
    Thank you Thank you Thank you
