
Sunday 15 December 2019

Face to Face

Face to Face
10 Days Later

Udai Singh sighed as the newspapers were still talking about the fiasco that took place over his wedding reception. The event organiser had requested to speak with him, his wife and his father before the reception and presented all pieces of evidence. She wanted to take down the person responsible for hurting innocent people. He was stunned by his wife’s response

As Maharanisa I order you to take down that man and make him pay for the all wrong he has done.

I give you permission to use the reception party as a guise for catching that leech.

After the girl had left them alone, he turned to his wife who was looking at her father’s portrait. Her father was a man who supported her against the world, stood by her when people reminded him that she was a daughter. He would proudly reply, “my daughter is my pride and she will lead the family”

On her succession, that leech had tried to create drama but Sangram Singh had taken care of him. Ever since. Jaiwanta Bai had wanted to teach the man a lesson he would not forget for the rest of his life.

“Tea” his father joined him placing two mugs of steaming hot tea on the table. “Don’t worry, I made it” the elderly man laughed as he sat down beside his son.

 “The papers are still talking about that” he asked looking at the rolled-up newspaper. Udai Singh nodded his head, “not about the incident rather they are focusing on the man’s relationship with us, Punwars and other royal families.”

“That’s not the reason for your worries and sighs, Udai.”

Udai Singh smiled, “I’m worried for Pratap. He’s changed”

“Shama kijiye” the girl spoke softly, “for last time I confused you for….”

“For your Uber ride” the guy teased back.

Jiwa could not believe that the young man whom she had thought of as an Uber driver was, in fact, a businessman. She was in Delhi for an impromptu meeting that was taking place between all of the business associates as well as potential partners post the fiasco in Surajgarh.  Media was all over the case as the con-man was unmasked in front of powerful figures.

Raimal Bhatt glared at the young woman who stood calm and confident on her ground. He had proven that she was not Saubhagyawati the event organiser but an impostor.

“You are absolutely right,” she agreed, “I’m not Saubhagyawati but before I introduce myself there is someone who wishes to introduce you to the people here”

People started murmuring as Raimal’s temper flared, “I’m Raimal Bhatt and everyone here knows that”

“Raimal Bhatt…” a female voice joined from behind, “but you are Mehmood Shah, my husband” the woman looked at him and then at the girl. 

Raimal’s colour faded as the woman walked over to him
“Where were you?” she held on to his arm, “Abba huzoor was so sick. We left you so many messages”

Before he could answer, Sangram Singh asked the woman her relationship to Raimal.

“He is my husband,” she told the patriarch, “we were married last year during summers. He told us that his work caused him to travel a lot for long periods of time. My Abba huzoor gave him all the savings and bonds to help set-up his business”

Gasps and whispers could be heard as people started talking about the incident. A few of them had also started making a video of the whole situation

“You have mistaken him” another woman stepped forward from the darkness. “His name is Changez Khan and he is my husband”

Within the span of 15minutes, a total of 5 fake identities was revealed to the people. Police officers in disguise took charge and Raimal Bhatt was taken away handcuffed from the scene.

Ramrakh Punwar was surprised to see Pratap attend the meeting along with his father’s trusted advisor. Everyone knew of Pratap’s passion for aviation and wished of doing something in that field but the way he greeted and presented himself as a representative of the Sisodia-Songara group it was clear that he had given up on his dream.  

Media’s coverage of the impromptu meeting had everyone glued to their screens especially people working in the same industries, experts as well as family members. Experts doing panels on shows while some were commenting on the presence of royalty- especially the eligible single children while others were providing coverage of the whole thing. Meera sat down to watch the news as her other commitments had been cancelled. She changed the channel and her eyes landed on the woman whose image was been broadcasted on the news

“This cannot happen” Meera whispered, “she cannot be here. They cannot come face to face.”

Shakti’s Apartment
Pratap sat in the lounge thinking about everything that had taken place in the last few days. He was in the city to attend a meeting on behalf of the company. He had put his dream on hold until the mess caused by Raimal Bhatt was cleared. At the meeting, further revelations had been made about the man and his trickster ways. He had committed fraud, forgery as well as swindled funds out of businesses. Raimal Bhatt was the man behind the leaks in Punwars office that had led to Patta’s project been taken off before it even began. Thinking about Raimal, his mind wandered towards her

The light was flickering as he pushed her against the wall unable to control his emotions. Sound of music could be heard all the way from the gardens as he tightened his grip on her bare shoulders.

“Let go of me” she demanded not taking her eyes off his for a second. One moment she was telling the servers to enter the grounds with the appetisers and the next moment she found herself pushed inside a dimly lit room with the eldest son of the family towering over her.

“I brought you here to tell you that I’m going to tell him everything,” he told her. “I will inform him about everything that has happened between us from the kiss to the….” he went quiet as memories hit him hard.

He had been living in guilt for the past couple of hours as the reality dawned upon him. He had fallen for his best friend’s fiancĂ© and he hated himself for it. His best friend had told him about his upcoming nuptials excitedly and here he had stabbed him in the back by not only falling for the girl but also crossing boundaries with her.

She pushed him off her, “go right ahead, Kunwarsa.” Her words made him frown as she did not show an inch of remorse or guilt. It was like she had no regrets over their intimate relationship.

“But I suggest you tell him at the end of the party. Do not ruin others fun for your confusion.”
She walked away from the room leaving him behind in the dark with his all over the place emotions.

Later, in the party he stared at Raimal’s announcement, “she is not who we thought she was. Real Saubhagyawati the event organiser is there”

His friend Chakrapani walked in the party holding his fiancĂ© Saubhagyawati’s hand at the cue leaving everyone dumbstruck but then Saubhagyawati went straight to the imposter and hugged her tight.

“I missed you so much” the girl returned the embrace and smiled. Turning her eyes towards Raimal Bhatt she smiled, “allow me to introduce myself.”

Shakti peeked inside as he gestured for a girl to enter behind him. “He’s in the lounge. Brooding”

The girl dressed in a knee-length halter neck dress with a denim jacket rolled her eyes. She walked ahead dropping her designer handbag on the floor with a loud thud. Pratap’s eyes widened as he came face to face with the girl.

“Hello Pratap” she glared at him as the young Kunwar stood up hurriedly. “It’s time for an intervention”

“Ruqqaiya” was all Pratap could utter in pure disbelief.


  1. Dear Pratap and his endless sufferings... Being true to your friend but what will you do to your heart that's hung up on this girl you probably don't know or do you??

    Ajabdeh what a job girl!! What brings that reaction on Pratap bcoz of Ruqqaiya!! I am dying to know...

    1. Suju di,

      He'll know soon enough which direction he needs to go- rather he would be pushed down the path :P

      Ruqqaiya-Pratap connection is revealed in the new update
