
Tuesday 1 October 2019


It has a been a long while since I wrote anything. My last post was on April 1st and today is October 1st here; thank you for patiently waiting for these last 5 months. The last five months were the busiest as well as tough for me as I was finishing my higher education and working along side.I have to say I am not good at multitasking and I'm trying to learn to become a good multitasker.

This is the last part for my historical ff, Reconciliation. I decided to not have a war sequence because I have written them in the past and most of it seemed repeatitive. 

The good news is I have been working on a couple of new plots and a story is underway which will be posted within a day or two.

Thank you for all your patience, faith and trust in me. 
I apologise for making you all wait for this long but I promise you that the new stories that I'm working on will show a new side of me as a writer.

Do join me in my endeavours to entertain you all with these stories

Happy Navratri!!

Loads of Love


Chittor was decked out head to toe to welcome its Kunwarsa and Kunwaranisa. All the queens stood at the doorstep with Maharani Jaiwanta Bai in the front waiting eagerly for her children. The sounds of dhol, nagade and chants of Kunwar Pratap ki Jai, Kunwarani Ajabde ki Jai greeted the entourage as they made their way to the palace.

The battle with the Afghans had ended with their victory, Kunwar Pratap had beheaded Mehmood Shah after he had tried to attack Ajabde from behind. Everyone was still talking about the war and the skills of Baijilal and Kunwar Pratap

“They were unstoppable,” Hemant Solankhini praised the duo in front of Rana Udai Singh, his advisors and Rani Dheerbai. They were all gathered in the main campsite waiting for Kunwar Pratap and Baijilal to join them.

“But we cannot forget that Baijilal aided the rebellion,” Dheerbai reminded them. The rebellion was her only card that would help her stay away from punishment.

The guard announced Pratap’s arrival along with his brother Kunwar Shakta and Patta who was representing Baijilal.

Later that afternoon, whole of Rajputana had heard about the meeting between Mewar’s Rana and Baijilal’s representative. Bijolia was rejoicing as not only had their Rao ji aided in the victory against the Afghans but their Rajkumarisa was back home as well.

 “Patta demanded justice for our Rajkumarisa,” one of the guards told the gathered men at their meal. “He said that Baijilal and her comrades will accept all consequences as long as Rana ji will punish every individual involved in the incident that led to her been sent away.”

“Rana ji was stunned as Patta kept forward the condition,” the maid gossiped with her colleague as the cook also joined their gossip session.

“Good for Patta” the cook commented, “its high time they learn not to mess with our Rajkumarisa.”

Pratap and Ajabde stood at the threshold once again as bride and groom. All eyes were on the third queen who was performing the nazar uttaran for the couple.

“Ajabde grah pravesh kijiye,” Maharani Jaiwanta bai spoke up her eyes twinkling with happiness as the other queens looked on at the couple.

Patta stared at the training grounds in awe as Kunwar Shakta gave him the tour. Kunwar Pratap had requested Rao ji to send Patta with them as he intended on training the young boy himself.  As they entered the weapons room, Patta saw Kunwar Pratap standing alongside with Rawat Chundawat.

“Starting from today you will train directly under our supervision,” Rawat ji told the young boy. “Your actions in the war have impressed Rana ji and he wants you to be trained under our Senpati” he looked at Kunwar Pratap. 

Patta nodded his head ready to accept the responsibilities as well as the duties that came along with the role he had accepted. His life belonged to his motherland and he would do everything in his power to fulfil his promise.

Later in the evening, Ajabde looked at the setting sun from her room where she had been redressed by the ladies in a lighter attire. She wished to change the jewellery too but only her nose-ring had been changed into a smaller one. Her eyes looked at the empty toe where once he had placed the ring. She never got the ring back from him and afterwards everyone had been occupied with the post battle talks, apologies and gauna that she never got the chance to ask for it.

“Maybe it is for the best,” she thought when he entered their room. 

Pratap had been waiting for this moment for a long while. The moment when he would finally have some alone time with his wife and he could say the words that he had holding back.

“Kunwarsa,” she called out but he turned the opposite way and took of his turban followed by his jewels.

“Is he angry with me,” she thought worried, “but what did I do?”

Seeing her scared face in the mirror made him smile for it was a reminder that underneath all the cold demeanour of Baijilal, his Ajabde still existed. Ajabde who cared for others, worried about them and would get scared if someone was angry with her.

“I’m not angry at you,” he spoke up turning to look at her. She nodded her head wishing to calm her racing heart.

“I was angry,” he took a step forward, “at myself for not searching for the truth. I was angry for not keeping my promises to protect our motherland from those Afghans. I was angry at Ranima’s departure and I took it out all on you”

Ajabde looked at him as he finally gave her the closure her heart seeked and desired. Pratap stood a few steps from her, “I hurt you everytime we met and not once did you every complain or get angry back at me but when I found out that you had left Bijolia, I knew that it was your way of being angry.”

“I didn’t want to be used as a pawn,” she told him, “I refused to be a pawn in this game of power. I just wanted to go away from it all but it does not matter anymore.”

He looked at her surprised as she smiled at him, “let bygones be bygones Kunwarsa. We cannot change the past but we can hope for the future”

He nodded his head and smiled, “and today I promise you,” he knelt down making her frown as he extended his hand towards her feet

“Kunwarsa what are you doing,” she stuttered, “what if someone sees us?”
He placed the ring on her big toe and smile, “I’m just returning this ring to its rightful owner.”

The ring that he had given to her post their marriage was a bit lose and did not fit any of her fingers so he had placed it on her toe and today he had placed it again as a promise of never letting her go. The ring that used to be little lose, fit her perfectly as they both sat talked about their future. A future that would see them face obstacles and hurdles that ones with weak hearts won’t be able to face but they would for they would be together.