
Friday 25 October 2019

Free Bird

Free Bird

The patriarch of Punwar family stood with his head bowed and hands folded as he asked her the ultimate sacrifice. Her father was aware of the situation with the Punwar family and he was present as the Punwar family head made the plea,

“He is the only one who can bring back stability,” the patriarch spoke to the woman who had just given birth, “I’m begging you to give me my son.”

The lady looked at the elderly man who looked utterly broken and weak. She picked up the papers and signed them without any retort. The last few hours had been pure hell for her and with her child’s life being put at stake she understood the pain the elderly man was experiencing.
“Hansa” his voice made others look up but a maid came hurrying in behind him.

“Shama hukum, rajkumarisa is crying. We are unable to calm her down,” the maid told the lady, “you have been called to feed her.”

The woman stood up and walked over to the man who had just entered, “I have signed these papers and so should you. Starting from this moment, you are a free bird, Ram.”

Udai Singh Sisodia could never understand the ways of royal families. Having married into one, he knew the basics- code of conduct, decorum and duties he needed to fulfil as son-in-law as well as successor. His wife was an only child thus her marriage led to him becoming part of the crazy world of royals. Though it had been quite some time since their marriage, he still loved to tease his wife over some of the rules and decorum they had to follow.

“I was thinking that maybe we should have adopted Shakti,” he told his wife as they sat down for their morning tea. “Shakti is your laadesar and unlike Sajja you would let him live the way he desired. What do you think Pratap?”

 “What should I think about, Papa?” Pratap asked confused as his mother smiled. “About marriage and kids,” his father responded making his eyes go wide. Seeing Pratap’s reaction both of them burst out laughing.

“Not funny,” Pratap said, “not at all funny.”

“Then why are you hiding your smile,” Udai Singh asked as his son hid another smile. “Anyways, what is your plan for today? I have taken a day’s leave from work” he told his wife and son with a big smile.

“Why,” they asked in unison surprised as Udai Singh rarely took days off from his work.
“Well, I want to witness Shakti flying out of his nest and flying like a free bird,” he chuckled making Jaiwanta Bai narrow her eyes at him.

Raimal Bhatt checked left and right before walking into an old, dilapidated building in Chandini Chowk. He had followed Ramrakh Punwar to the same building a day before and in hopes of getting a clue or something that would give him the upper hand, he made a second visit to the same place. The smell and sight of paan stained walls was the first assault on his senses as he quickly covered his nose. All the doors were locked and there was no one in sight till the third floor. He walked out angry and frustrated on not being able to get anything on Punwar but one thing caught his sight. A camera was placed on a pole nearby and it was aimed at the building.

“Do you know who placed the camera there?” he asked a shopkeeper pointing at the camera.

“This was placed by the owner of this building. She is royalty from Rajasthan. You must have heard of the Chauhans.”

Raimal gave the shopkeeper some cash and walked away whistling. He finally had an upper hand over his enemy. Driving to the Punwar mansion, he smiled as a song played on the radio,
Panchi banu udta Phiri mast gagan mein

“Aaj toh tum kaam se gaye, humaare karam se” he tweaked the lyrics smiling.


  1. Ahmmmm so Ramrakh Punwar left Hansa at child birth... Maybe for a son?

    And whom did Ramrakh meet at the old building!! Raimal I have a feeling your bubble will burst big time...
    I am loving this Udai

    1. Suju di,

      All questions will be answered in due time. I'm trying new things with this one and so decided to change Udai Singh's character

  2. A new shade of Udai Singh and the storyline is awesome
