
Thursday 21 March 2019



I sincerely apologise for the delay in the update. Last two weeks have been quite hectic and chaotic with both work and studies. I was not too well health wise as well thus I could not write and post any updates. 

I will try my best to have regular updates from now on.



The whole room was in tatters as she went around poking and prodding at every corner trying to find it. After four days of complete bed rest and eyes following her every move, she had managed to get herself some alone time. Gauhar Jaan had been reported to be around their area so Kunwar Pratap, Kunwar Shakta and Patta had gone out for a patrol search. Ranimaa had left for Vrindavan, Rawat ji along with her father had returned to Bijolia to assemble the army.

She threw off the bed covers irritated and sat down on the floor as realisation set in the one gift she treasured the most was missing. Tears welled up in her eyes but holding them back, she stood up to tidy the room. Slowly and diligently, she kept the things in their place in the hope that she might find her lost item. 

Patta followed Kunwar Pratap and Kunwar Shakta quietly during the patrol. He did not give the crown princes any troubles or created any mischiefs. He did everything asked of him and maintained his distance. Shakta was troubled at the boy’s behaviour, Patta’s silent, dutiful treatment made him feel bad about the whole situation. After all, Rao ji had ordered Patta to “remember his place and not let anyone raise fingers on Bijolia.” 

“We will take our lunch break now,” Pratap told the men, “afterwards we will patrol the other side and make our way back to the village.” 

They sat down to have their lunch but Patta respectfully opted to keep guard. He walked away looking at the surroundings when the sound of leaves rustling alerted him.

“You did not fail your sister, Patta” Pratap spoke up, “the attack on her was not your fault. Stop blaming yourself.”

Patta looked away, “if I was with her then I could have protected her.”

“Gauhar Jaan is one of the most skilled assassins, her espionage is flawless and she disguised herself as Maharanisa and got near to Ajabde. If you had been with her then you would not be standing here, Gauhar Jaan does not leave any witnesses” Pratap replied calmly.

Back in the village, children sat down completely drained off their energy for they had been trying to find Ajabde Jija’s lost item but could not find it anywhere. From puddles to dark corners, bustling streets of the market to the empty ones near the prison area, they had searched up, down, left, right and centre but failed to find the one thing that would help Ajabde make her decision.

Shakta stared in disbelief as the children pulled his elder brother with them for a treasure hunt. They had returned from the patrol a little early only to find all the children waiting rather impatiently for Ram Prasad ji. He had tried to take his brother’s place, but the kids outright refused him and then physically pulled his brother away.

“Maybe I should follow them,” he thought out loud.

“No, that would ruin the plan” Maharani Jaiwanta Bai spoke up as she placed her hand on his shoulder. “Pratap needs to participate in this hunt by himself. His actions are the only thing that will help Ajabde make the decision for their future.”

At the Afghan campsite, Mehmood Shah sat placing green flags on the territory model kept in front of him. His informant had sent a message about Bijolia’s shehzadi being present in the village along with Mewar’s Maharani and the crown prince, Kunwar Pratap. His enemy’s name was enough to make Shah’s blood boil,

“You will die at my hands, Pratap” Shah spoke out loud, “I will kill your mother and all the villagers in front of you, as the village would burn, I will kill you and take the shehzadi as my captive.”

He fixed the green flag over the village’s name and stood up, “prepare for war. Pratap I’m coming for your head.”

Ajabde stared at the calm water of the river reflecting the setting sun. Unable to find her lost item, she had busied herself with tasks, but her heart ached with the thoughts of an unknown future. Her emotions were all over the place from anger to guilt, sadness to numbness, she didn’t understand herself at times.

“Why did you have to come into my life and turn it upside down?” she thought as tears welled in her eyes. Ever since he had entered her life, everything had turned complex. Her dream of a simple life seemed completely lost.

“He is here, near me and yet we are far apart” she looked at her reflection all alone with nobody by her side, “maybe this was her future- she would be alone and by herself.”

He coughed a little making her aware of his presence as he sat down beside her. She looked away quickly wiping off the tears before turning back towards him.

“Did the patrol reveal anything?” she asked calmly. He shook his head, “nothing serious. Gauhar Jaan seems to have moved away from here.”

Ajabde nodded her head, “she did watch me fall unconscious so maybe she thinks her work was done and so she left.” Ajabde looked at the sky turning dark and decided to leave before her heart jumped out and made her look like a fool.

“Patta would be waiting, I must go home” she turned around to leave only to stop as his hand caught her wrist. She looked at him only to see her husband looking at their reflection in the water.

“I heard you were looking for a lost item,” his voice was calm and composed, “even the children got involved in this treasure hunt.”

She tried freeing her hand, but his words scared her, “no… no, I mean yes” she stuttered. Her stuttering made him smile as he came to stand right in front of her.

“No or yes?” he asked teasingly and let go of her wrist. She rubbed her wrist and gasped as her husband knelt on his knees before her,

“what are you doing?” she asked worriedly, “please stand up. Someone might see us” her face was turning red over his actions.

“I hurt you and there is nothing I can say that would erase the wounds of the past but I can show you through my actions my intention for our future,” he opened a small red velvet pouch that was kept inside his kurta and took out the golden gem-encrusted ring he had given her after their wedding.

Her eyes widened upon seeing the ring, “how…where did you find it?”

He placed it on her left thumb, “this is its rightful place with its rightful owner. Give me a chance. Give us another chance and I promise to do right by you.  Come home with me, Ajabde.”

Her vision blurred as tears filled her eyes as the one moment, she had been waiting for her had arrived. He had asked her to return home but before she could utter a word the alarm rang out,

“Afghans are coming. Prepare the defence.”

They both looked at each other as reality dawned on them. They had a duty to fulfil, their personal lives could be sorted after the enemy had been defeated. He wiped off her tears,

“We fight together and then we will return home, together.” 

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