
Monday 11 February 2019

The Culprit

The Culprit

Rawat Chundawat placed his turban on the table and sat down with an audible sigh. Being the advisor to Rana Udai Singh sometimes felt more like a burden than an honour. The man refused to listen to logic and acted like a spoilt teenager. Evidence was popping up every day, with more and more people of the royal household being responsible for the horrendous acts against Rajkumari, he stopped at his thought. She was the Kuwarani of Mewar, the daughter in law of the most prestigious royal families of Rajputana and this is how she was treated. It reminded him of the behaviour of the family towards another daughter-in-law of the family, Meera Bai. He could only pray that when the time came, unlike Meera Bai, Ajabde returned.

A pigeon perched itself on the bird stand kept in the balcony alerting Rawat ji to its presence. Tied to the pigeon was a note, Rawat ji knew the sender was either Kunwar Pratap or Kunwar Shakta but he was wrong, the note was from Maharani Jaiwanta Baisa. She wished to meet Ajabde and had requested him to escort her to Vrindavan. Rawat ji burnt the note and called in for the sevak,

“I will be travelling for a couple of days. I’ll be in disguise so pack accordingly.”

The sevak nodded his head as he turned to leave, Rawat ji added, “if anyone enquires tell them I have gone to Bijolia to meet Rao Ramrakh Punwar.”

The maid hid behind the pillar as the sevak made his way out. She hurried away hiding away from everyone’s eyes and slipped a small note under the heavily guarded doors of the Choti Ranisa Dheerbai. Dheerbai made a face as she bent down to pick up the note, she hated being under house arrest. 

The note made her frown, Rawat Chundawat was leaving for Bijolia. She crumpled up the note in irritation as her anger rose to the surface, for Rawat ji to travel to Bijolia on such short notice meant two things – either Dhaman Singh had confessed or Kunwar Pratap had found the samantputri and pacified her. Both the options did not look good for her. She needed to get out and take charge as soon as possible.

Rani Sajjabai came running to the corridor where all guards and servants were busy trying to put out a fire. The coughing made her look at the woman whose face was covered in ash and a little piece of her dupatta seemed singed. Rana Udai Singh carried his favourite wife to his chambers as the others tried putting out the fire.

Later in the evening, Udai Singh walked out towards the dining hall for his supper only to find it empty. He made his way to the kitchen which was empty as well. He called for the maids, but a guard came instead,

“Hukum, almost all maids have left the palace with Rani Sajjabai. She left for her home after the fire was put out.”

Udai Singh stared in shock as another one of his wives left him. “Call Rawatji, I have something important to discuss with him”

“Shama Hukum,” the guard bowed his head, “Rawatji left for Bijolia early in the day.”

Dread set in Rana’s body as he walked away lost in thoughts. Rawat Chundawat leaving for Bijolia on short notice meant either they had found incriminating evidence against Rani Dheerbai, or Kunwar Pratap had found his wife and she had given him more proof, proof that the main culprit behind her leaving was none other his father, Rana Udai Singh of Mewar.

Patta stared at his sister as the hiccups returned, she fetched herself a glass of water hoping it would settle down the hiccups, but it didn’t help.

“Someone’s thinking about you, Jija” Patta teased as she threw brinjal at him. 

Patta smiled as he returned it to her with a cheeky smile. “I’m going out for a stroll,” he told her, “stay indoors and please no more investigations on your own.”

She nodded her head, “Patta take this food for Laxman Prasad and his brother” she handed him the bundle of food.

“They are new to the village and assisting with the training and investigation. This is the least we could do.”

Patta nodded his head, “you are right, besides bhai Laxman is a worse cook than me.”

Pratap smiled as he ate his wife’s cooking. She had prepared a simple meal just like he preferred with a balance of spices and chillies. The kheer reminded him of his Ranimaa. Only if Ranimaa had stayed then she would have been with her and he could return home to them. As a fighter he never gave in to his emotions until he met his wife, she had touched upon a part of him that even his Ranimaa could only sense. Ajabde had penetrated deep into his thoughts, gave him a chance to experience all emotions from happiness, excitement to pain and sorrow. 

For the world, Rani Dheerbai was the culprit but he knew the truth, he was her culprit.


  1. So Rawatji was in touch with JB... And DB still has US wrapped around her fingers!

    Ajabdeh teer se Bach gayi ya uske Patil ne use Ghayal avastha me bachaya?? N Wah khana n all that too kheer... Maybe she has started my!

  2. From what I know, US always favoured DB and she used it to her advantage as much as she could.

    Maybe she's changing or maybe she is just fulfilling her duties- we will know in the future.

