
Monday 4 February 2019

It is you -II

It is you- II

Shakta stared at the young man who was pacing angrily holding on to a message. His brother came out with a glass of water,

“Bhai Patta, please drink some cold water and calm down,” he offered him the glass. “Now, share with us this news that has the brave fighter all riled up.”

Patta drank the water in one go and thrust the message towards Pratap, “read it for yourself bhai Ram Prasad. The royal family of Mewar has done nothing but trouble others. The Rana is a cowardly man who gave up the keys of his fort to the enemy, one of his wives is a Deshdrohi yet lives a luxurious life in the palace and that Pratap…”

Shakta looked at his brother while the latter read the message. Pratap could not believe the words written on the note. Rana Udai Singh had declared a price on Baijilal.  Baijilal had aided a rebellion in Mandalgarh against the Rana and he had decided to punish everyone involved in the revolt.

“Some Rana he is,” Patta ranted, “all he does is stay in his fort and let innocent people die at the hands of intruders, and when the people take up arms he terms it a revolt people as rebels.”

15 minutes later everyone gathered in the centre to discuss the next steps of the village. The royal announcement was a call none of them wanted to answer considering the call was to hand over the person who had been their saviour. Ajabde decided not to attend the meeting for she was battling a far bigger dilemma. Before the meeting, she had met with the village head, and other elders assured them she would accept their decision without any complaint.

At the gathering, Pratap’s eyes looked at every person present and realised quickly that only one person was missing- Patta’s Jija. After visiting Patta’s house, he was 90 per cent sure that his sister was Baijilal. The house was arranged simply but trained soldier that Pratap was, he had made a note of the weapons, targets and other warfare related items in the hut. 

Shakta poked his brother as the village head began the meeting,
“We all know the reason for this emergency meeting,” the man spoke up, “Rana ji has declared Baijilal as a rebel- a threat to Mewar. He has asked for Baijilal to be handed over to Mewar as soon as possible.”

People began mumblings amongst themselves confused about the whole situation. Baijilal was the reason they had been able to fight off the dacoits.

“So, please share your views on the matter,” the village head asked the people, but the answer came from the young ones,

“Baijilal stays with us” all the children looked at the head their eyes filled with determination. “She is family, and we protect the family.”

Ajabde stared at her reflection on the water when someone threw a stone and created ripples. Her mind went back to the time Kunwar Pratap had thrown pebbles into the water to stop Toranmal from looking at her reflection. It seemed so long ago, she had changed so much and so did he.

I hate you. I will always hate you.

His words had pierced not on her heart but her soul as well. All the dreams were shattered, fingers raised on her upbringing and her character was questioned. No one investigated the matter for any foul play instead they all blamed her. He accused her of doing the misdeed without even thinking about it.

Now, he was looking for her after hurting her in the worst possible manner Kunwar Pratap Singh Sisodia of Mewar was searching for his bride. Her mind questioned his motive, but her foolish heart still carried the flame of hope.

Pratap saw her sitting by the riverbank lost in thoughts. Quietly he approached her hoping to speak with her about the royal decree that had been served by Rana ji. He accidentally stepped on a twig making a sound when a dagger flew right past his ear.

“What sort of fighter are you?” her voice was cold, “only cowards attack the back.”

Her words made him frown, “I had no intention of attacking you. I only wish to speak with you, Baijilal.”

She stood up but kept her back towards him as he continued, “I know you are Baijilal and I wish to speak with you about your involvement in the rebellion of Mandalgarh.”

Her heart sank with each word he spoke, her soul had recognised him the moment he had entered her house, yet he could not identify her.

“Your involvement with the rebellion is cause for worry,” he continued, “the rebellion against Rana ji was..."

“The rebellion took place because Rana ji did nothing to help the people of Mandalgarh,” she spoke up. “What was Rana ji doing when Afghans plundered the villages around Mandalgarh? What was he doing when his subjects were being mercilessly tortured and killed?”

Her questions hit Pratap like a sharp arrow, “we did not receive any news of…”

“Of course you did not receive any cry of help,” she taunted, “even if you did, you will deny it after all that’s what Rana ji does-  put blame on the others for one’s shortcoming. This is what you did as well, Kunwar Pratap.”

His gaze narrowed at her, “how did you know?”

She turned to face him, “I know because I can recognise you anywhere. I was but a naïve girl who fell for your lies but not anymore. Tell Rana ji that Rajkumari Ajabde Punwar of Bijolia is Baijilal and if he wishes to punish me then he can come with his army. I’ll greet him on the battlefield.”

Pratap stood stunned on seeing his Ajabde in front of him. She walked past him and took her dagger out of the tree, “I would suggest you keep your distance from me Ram Prasad ji. You do not want the villagers to learn of your real identity.”

Pratap stared at her retreating figure and her words resonating in his mind, “Rajkumari Ajabde Punwar of Bijolia is Baijilal.” 

His Ajabde, the girl he had vowed to love, cherish and protect, had turned into a warrior herself. She was no longer the quiet girl he knew rather she had changed into a raging fire ready to engulf anyone who came near her.

“Dadabhai” Shakta hurried to his brother worried at his absence from the gathering.

“The decision has been made, the villagers are going to protect Baijilal,” he told him.

Pratap looked at his brother, “Ajabde is Baijilal.”


  1. Wow wow wow. I could just imagine her fierce eyes when she said kunwar pratap.

  2. Wooohhh!! This was high end drama!

    This Ajabdehs knows to give it right back even if the one hurting is Pratap.. that is a welcome change. To have been accused of a crime you never did and then not being recognised by the one who said he loved you and to top it all the summon against her. Must be really raging the anger in her. And the emotion was visible.

    Now how will Pratap manage to make Ajabdeh listen to him rationally. And what rational could he say to her??

  3. She sure does and Pratap has to figure out a way to pacify her for sure.
    Well, in order for him to make her listen, he needs to do a lot of work!!
