
Tuesday 15 January 2019

Ties that Bind -II

Hi guys,

This is the last update for the story Ties that Bind. This story was another experiment of mine where I decided to look at relationships from different perspectives. In our lives we form relationships, some strong, others not so strong, some last forever while others only for a short while. What is it about relationships, of all the different roles that we play in our daily lives.

The story was based upon one fact (not sure if it was true or not but the show had it) Bijolia's princess Ajabde's twin brother was stillborn. Being a girl who survived she was looked upon as her brother's murderer. Now, I'm pretty sure things weren't as exaggerated as on television and maybe in my story but I wanted to see what happens when the family gets pitied against the family. So Ties that bind was born - the story of a girl fighting to earn recognition from the people who refused to acknowledge her. A daughter's quest to make her mother happy.

I hope you have enjoyed this journey with me. I will see you with another fic soon :)

Ties that Bind -II

Punwars Strike Back: Shah industries taken over in a deadly move by the father-daughter duo. The takeover comes after Mehmood Shah’s unsuccessful attempt at sabotaging Kunwar Fateh Singh Punwar’s image. Kunwar Fateh also known as Patta was accused of mishandling the workers at one of the factories in Manesar. Shah also released an interview where he requested the CBI to search the official as well as personal residences of the Punwars specifically Baijilal Ajabde Punwar for he was sure she had an account in the Cayman Islands and a Swiss bank. He also said that Ajabde Punwar used her company to transfer black money under the guise of official work.

Rao Ramrakh switched the television off after watching Shah make his way out of the airport surrounded by police personnel. The man had planned on leaving the country and moving to Saudi Arabia where he planned on working with his associates. Sadly for him, the Punwars were not a group to meddle with especially not when the children are targeted.

“Hukum,” his butler came in quietly, “Heer baisa has arrived from Delhi for the celebrations.”

Rao Ramrakh nodded his head as he kept his pen back in its stand and stood to meet his family. Makar Sankranti the festival of new beginnings was upon them and as per the traditions it was Heer’s first Sakrant post her marriage so a grand feast had been organised. Family, friends had been invited for the joyous occasion and walking along the corridor he could already hear the giggles coming from the living room. It was time to rejoice and celebrate with loved ones.
Hansabai saw Shakti and Heer make their way towards the room prepared for them as Sajjabai’s words came to her mind.

Hansabai and Sajjabai met for lunch in Delhi while the former was visiting Patta and Jiwa. Sajjabai ji wanted to meet and speak with her privately and asked her out for lunch.

 “Shakti and Heer are finally happy,” Sajjabai ji told her excitedly, “they fight like couples and then on two different occasions I saw them making up first Shakti apologised and the other time Heer.” Sajjabai’s excitement and happiness were infectious but then the woman held the other’s hand, “Hansa behen, I know things between Pratap and Ajabde ended on a sour note but I was thinking maybe its time for both of them to have a new beginning.” Sajjabai continued, “after the wedding both Shakti-Heer were putting on a façade which was visible to everyone. For both of them, duty towards family came first but I could sense the distance between them. To see them both no longer fake their relationship rather work on it together makes me so happy. I wish to see Ajabde and Pratap this happy too because all of us know their happiness lies with each other.”

Hansabai couldn’t help but agree, “I can see my little Ajab return to me slowly. She’s opening her heart again, her relationship with her father is improving too. The other day she called him Daata instead of Rao ji.”

The women were not aware of the third person who had been eavesdropping on the conversations. Clearing her throat she decided to make her presence known, “maybe its time for us to act and bring those two foolish children of our together.”

“Hukum, the gifts for the 13 married ladies have been arranged” her maid pointed towards the table that had the household items placed on a thaal along with other stuff and covered to be handed out. Hansabai nodded her head as she gave instructions for the days meal to the maid.

Shakti found Ajabde working in her room away from all the noisy disturbances outside. Maan, Chand and Jagmal had arrived a short while back and together with Heer they had gone out to visit the market. Ajabde smiled as he greeted and sat down beside her

“You and Dadabhai are always working,” he teased her. “In fact, Badimaa went to his cabin and threatened to pull his ears if he didn’t come home in time for dinner.” Ajabde smiled but her eyes told a different tale which Shakti understood clearly. Lacing his fingers together he decided to speak to the girl who was still hiding in fear of being rejected.

“Ajabde you were the only one who knew of my feelings for Heer. Our wedding was an arrangement and we decided to uphold it for the sake of our families. After the revelations of how you did everything for the family, for Hansabai ji, for Heer, Patta and the others, I think it affected Heer deeply. She told me that she cared for me and had feelings but she was ready to let me go if my happiness lay somewhere else. You know my response but I’m saying these things because I want you to have that chance at happiness too.”

Ajabde stared at her hands when Shakti passed her a package, “open it when you are ready.”

Pratap drove on the fairly empty highway listening to instrumental music. He had received a message early in the evening about the kite flying competition at Bijolia and on his mother’s insistence he had decided to make a trip to Bijolia. On the backseat were gifts for the family members and a special one for Ajabde. Her name was enough to send shivers all over his body. They had come along way from friends to lovers to fiance and then exes to business associates and friends again. He remembered the way she had held him and cried after her birthday party scared that it was all a dream and she would wake up alone. His heart had ached at her fears and he had decided to do everything in his power to show her that he was not going anywhere.

Day of Sakrant was filled with activity as people were out on their terraces flying kites, dressed in shades of yellow everyone greeted each other with sweets, Kokoia ji nodded in approval as Heer gave gifts to 13 married women as per the traditions following her mother. Soon enough everyone was on the terrace flying kites with elders and children getting into the competitive spirit. Kokoia ji sat content watching the family celebrate the festival together like old times. She smiled watching Ajabde cut down kites of everyone with such precision that they were staying away from her kite except one. Pratap was chasing her kite trying to cut but instead, he entangled it with his and made an innocent face as Ajabde glared at her before rushing to retrieve the kite.
An hour later she sat smiling proudly caressing her torn kite that she won after a duel with kids of the neighbourhood. She had struck a deal with the kids in exchange for her kite she would let them have Pratap as their helper for the rest of the day. The kids were happy to have their personal grown-up helper who would help them carry out all of their mischiefs and readily agreed. Two hours later Pratap walked towards his room completely exhausted from being tortured at hands of the neighbourhood kids. They made him climb trees, poles and old abandoned house terraces to bring down the kites that were cut. He nearly came to being arrested after some kids stole sweets from one of the shops and hid behind him. Also, he was 100 per cent sure the priest would never allow him to enter the temple complex again. Shaking his head tiredly he entered his room and sat down on the bed. The sound of anklets startled him as a paper plane flew into his room through the window and landed at his feet, “meet me at our secret place.”

Ajabde sat in her favourite spot completely relaxed and content. She had no worries or stresses about anything. After a really long time, she felt at ease and ready for her new beginning in life. The family was back together, business was prospering, she had fulfilled her Maasa’s wishes, Heer-Shakti looked very much in love, Patta was carrying out his responsibilities so were Jagmal and Maan. Chand was her usual bubbly self enjoying school and time with her father. Speaking of fathers, she and Rao ji were slowly rebuilding their relationship, he was genuinely taking steps towards her happiness. Shah’s takeover was completely his doing even though media reported she had a hand in it too. Everything was falling into its place except one- Pratap. She remembered the moment after Shakti had left her with the gift,

Slowly she unwrapped the gift her eyes filling up with tears on seeing the new dreamcatcher he had built for her. He had used feathers of the old one and added on to the design but for her, it was the note that changed everything. “Makar Sankranti is about new beginnings. Let’s have a new beginning for ourselves too. – Pratap.”

Pratap frowned seeing the thick folder and pens kept beside the girl who had called him out. She had changed into a comfortable yellow coloured kurta and white churidar paired them with jootis. He sat beside her looking at the folder questioningly. 

She pushed it towards him, “it’s a deal contract with all the dos and don’ts. I even made a non-compromise section. You should go through it before signing it.”

Pratap opened the folder and signed it without reading one letter on it. She stared directly into his eyes as he closed the folder and pushed it back to her.
“I want you back in my life and I’m ready to do anything to make that happen even if it means signing a blank document.” 

She raised her eyebrows, “how did you know the papers are blank?”

“Because you already signed them and I know the businesswoman Ajabde Punwar wouldn’t sign any paper unless she was 100 per cent sure of it.”

They both dipped their feet in the cold water of the pond as she kept her head on his shoulder. “I’m scared” she confessed, “what if things go wrong again?” 

He entwined their hands together, “then we fight, make-up and work on it together. I’m not giving up on you anymore.”

“Maasa said relationships are like hair ties,” she looked at him, “ stretchable, holds everything together even though some strands do come out and that if we stretch them on purpose they will come back to hit us. Sometimes though they break unable to take the stretching anymore,” her voice softened.

“In that case, you are in luck for I know how to repair things and I can tie a knot in those hair ties so that you can continue using them” he winked at her.

It is true relationships are like hair ties for they can be stretched to a good distance and it may result in them hitting you right in the face but when stretched beyond their limits they do break. Broken relationships are harder to fix but not impossible as long as you are willing to undergo the change in yourself and make yourself flexible.Relationships are the ties that bind us all together.

The End



  1. Happy Makar sankranti.and this couldn't end better. It was an absolute treat especially praja. Also that fact of the show isn't true historically but it is wonderfully used in your story for sure.

  2. Oh my my Garima! Another gem!

    The journey have been just wonderful! Simply enjoyed the perspective and it sure was overwhelming.

    Specially loved the way you showed... It's all about the second chance!

    Hope to have more stories from you!Keep writing!

    Much love!
