
Thursday 31 January 2019

The Truth Comes Out

The Truth Comes Out

Rani Sajjabai consoled a distraught Chand who had been scolded rather badly by her mother for her meddling ways.  As soon as the letters were brought out, Ranaji’s favourite third wife had thrown accusations as well as evidence that made Rani Veerbai look like the culprit, but one thing had turned everything upside down- Dhaman Singh. 

The man had confessed his crimes. He told Kunwar Pratap that it was indeed Dheerbai Bhatiyani who changed Maharanisa’s letter with a fake one and stopped the aid going to Bijolia. He even told them that Choti ranisa had hidden the evidence in Veerbai’s room to put blame on the samantputri when the time came.

Veerbai wiped away her tears as she packed her belongings. She refused to stay in Chittor any longer. She had married the Rana because of political pressure but ever since her arrival, she had been insulted and taunted for no fault of hers. In the beginning, being quiet in nature she had heard every insult thrown at her but not today. Her character, upbringing was put into question and after her verbal attack in court, there was no way she would be left in peace. It was better for her to leave,

Rani Veerbai stared in pure shock as Maharani Jaiwanta Bai’s letter was brought out from her chambers. It had been kept hidden in a secret panel in one of the cupboards that she had no idea about. Choti Rani Dheerbai had used the moment to insult her and her upbringing making her blood boil,

“enough Dheerbai ji I have heard enough of your nonsense,” Veerbai’s loud voice shocked everyone. “Ever since I arrived you have made your distaste clear and not hidden your anger against me. My birth roots may be of a commoner in your eyes but unlike you, I’m not a Deshdrohi.”

Gasps rang out as Veerbai reminded them of Dheerbai’s failed attempt that had nearly led to Jauhar. She stared Rana Udai Singh in his eyes, “I fulfilled all of my duties as your wife, as a lesser queen of Chittor but you have failed in every aspect as my husband, protector and Rana of Mewar. I refuse to live under this roof anymore until you are ready to punish the culprit and do justice.”

Rani Dheerbai could not believe that her plan had failed. Her flesh and blood had provided proof of her misdeeds. Rana ji was livid at her actions, Kunwar Pratap had broken all ties with her and now she had been confined to her room. Her maids had been called off, guards placed in front to monitor her movements and she would receive her judgement like a criminal awaiting their sentence.

Pratap walked in to see Rani Sajjabai gently rubbing her hands over Chand’s head. She was sobbing badly; the hand imprint was still visible on her cheek, but he knew that the sting of the slap was less than the hurt of the harsh words her mother had uttered. Sajjabai looked at the firstborn who shouldered all his responsibilities well, carried out all duties as a son, brother, Senapati of Mewar and for once he chose to follow his heart and his own family drove the girl he loved away from him. 

Maharani Jaiwanta Bai and Ajabde’s departure had changed him in ways Sajjabai could not even begin to understand. He stayed outdoors, always touring Mewar and its borders, fighting wars over trivial matters because his father was inept of making wise decisions and fighting loneliness by himself. She had seen him during the few celebrations they had in the past be it Gangaur, Teej or even a small puja. His eyes searched for his Ranimaa and Ajabde but seeing him sit beside Chand and console his sister reminded Rani Sajjabai the reason Pratap was loved by all. She smiled as brother-sister fed each other with Pratap making sure Chand had the first bite. He ate as she fed him and told him about the various techniques she had learned in his absence. She walked away from the room having made up her mind. For the first time, she was about to use her authority and knew that if everything went well then Chittor would see the return of its Kunwaranisa and Maharanisa.

Udai Singh stared in horror as his second wife gave him the ultimatum. Rawat ji had to admire Rani Solankhini for her bravery. She had added an element that no one ever thought would come into play. Even Rani Bhatiyani was stunned at the second queen’s act.

“You are aware of Jallore withdrawing its support and if you fail to punish all the culprits then Solankhini and Jhallar royal families will take their support back as well. Bijolia is also tilting towards leaving you. And like Veerbai ji, I too will leave the palace and keep in mind my sons will come with me.”

Her words were a harsh reminder to Udai Singh of his failed parenting. She continued, “you have enough evidence that proves Kunwaranisa’s innocence. The moment Kunwar Pratap finds out that his father knew of the transgressions yet punished his innocent wife what do you think would happen?”

She let her words sink and walked out of the chambers with her head held high. She might not have enough knowledge of politics or war or treaties, but she was a mother and mothers protected their children at all costs.

Udai Singh stared in anger as Rani Sajjabai walked out of his chambers after issuing an ultimatum to him. She wanted to leave and take her unruly sons with her, she was more than welcome to do it. He could care less for Shakta, that boy did nothing but cause him troubles. But her last words, 

The moment Kunwar Pratap finds out that his father failed to punish the person responsible for his bride’s departure what do you think would happen?”

Rawat ji knew of the thought playing in the king’s head. The man feared to lose Pratap. Everyone in the Rajputana knew that it was Pratap who stood like a wall between all the enemies and Mewar. For the king, first and foremost, Kunwar Pratap was his Senapati. The one who won him all his wars and then he was his son. The father-son had already logged heads when the young crown prince had declared Rajkumari Ajabde as his choice of bride.

“Call Pratap,” Udai Singh told him, “I wish to speak with him in private.”

A guard came running to the chambers and announced, “Ranaji, Kunwar Pratap and Kunwar Shakta have left the palace.”


  1. Waiting for the next. It's a cliff hanger you left there.

    1. I love cliffhangers and this one will have a few of them :P

  2. Good to hear from Veer Bai finally... And Sajja was the icing on the cake. DB aab kya?? Well Pratap should had guessed by now that Udai knew about the innocence of Ajabdeh.

    Mazza as Gaya!

    1. Suju di,

      Glad you liked it. DB ka band bajega ki nahi yeh dekhna hoga but Pratap ko pappad belne padenge for sure :)

  3. Can anybody tell when was this episode aired ?
