
Monday 28 January 2019

A New Life

A New Life

As dusk approached one could feel the tiredness set in from the sounds of children running back to their homes, birds returning to their nests, men and women hurrying home to their families. She sat in her small hut reading the letter that had arrived for her early in the day, the words a harsh reminder of the injustice done to her and its consequences.

Apologies were made in the court; tears were shed. Not sure how many of them were true but beware. A vow was taken to bring you back at all costs. Also, the Afghans are on the move. Borders now are safe, but we cannot rely on them for long.
I’ll be touch with you, soon.

“Those Afghans are on the move again,” she frowned as the next line danced in front of her, “borders are safe but cannot be relied upon for long.” Even with their apologies, there was no way Rao ji would blindly trust the crown prince, not after everything that had occurred over the last year. If she could find a little more about the Afghans and their plans maybe they would have a stronger defence, but it would mean returning to her old life.

“Jija,” a boy’s voice made her turn around as a young lad covered stood on her doorstep. Tall, lanky, holding a stick and covered in dirt the young lad smiled as he saw her stand up,

“Jija, you are looking at the victor of all fights. I’m pretty good at everything I must say.”

She narrowed her eyes taking in his appearance, “good at everything yet your kurta has another tear and you are covered in dirt from head to toe. Go clean yourself or no dinner for you tonight.”

He made a face as he saw the big hole on the kurta near his shoulder, “this must be when I climbed up the tree to pluck mangoes,” his eyes widened as he revealed his secret.


He ran towards the backyard to clean himself up leaving behind an exasperated sister. Ajabde kept the stick back in its place and went back to preparing dinner. She had left her old life a few months back and was living in peace in a new place where nobody knew of her real identity. Patta was the son of a soldier in Bijolia’s army who had died during the war with the enemies. He had declared her as his sister whom he would protect till his last dying breath and accompanied her when she took the decision to leave Bijolia and everything behind.

“You make the best food,” Patta told her as he licked his fingers making Ajabde shake her head.

“No talking while you eat your food,” she reminded him but seeing him smile as he enjoyed his food made her smile too. That was all she wanted for her life to have her own home, a family.

“I wish to add the colours and fragrances of happiness in your life, and this rose is a symbol of my love.”

His words were fake, promises were nothing but a farce and his love that was a joke. Everything he had told her was a lie from all his promises to the vows he took during the ceremony and then he had taken another seven vows from her. That’s all he did just take and when the time came for him to give back, he turned his back on her.

“You mean nothing to me”

“Jija” Patta’s worried voice brought her out of the bad memories. She put up on her smile as she started clearing the dishes. He stopped her, “I’ll do the dishes tonight, Jija. You take rest.”

The stars were out in their full glory as he sat outside his tent admiring them. Tiny hands pointed out at the different constellations making him smile. The young boy was a replica of his elder sister except he was not as patient as her or soft spoken. Kunwar Pratap stared in amusement as Kunwar Balwant pointed out the different constellations to his brother Kunwar Shakta. They were all camping near Bijolia’s borders after receiving news of trespassing and Afghan movements near the border.

“Kunwar Shakta,” Kunwar Balwant stared at him in horror, “you be a good student and learn all names of the constellations from me or else Ajabde jija will be angry.”

Hearing her name made him look at the young prince who in all his innocence still thought his Jija was on a pilgrimage trip to Kashi. The young child looked towards him,

“You should have stopped Jija from going on such a long trip,” he looked at Kunwar Pratap. “I wonder when she would return” he made a small face, “I miss her cooking especially sweets.”

“Its too late for you to be still wide awake” his father’s deep baritone voice made him look up. Rao Ramrakh Punwar and Rawat Chundawat joined the crown princes as Kunwar Balwant was escorted to the tent by his caretakers.

“Our spies have informed us that the Afghans are moving away from the borders but they are not completely retreating,” Rawat Chundawat told them.

“I think they are waiting for an opportunity to attack Bijolia,” Ramrakh voiced his opinions but Shakta’s impulsive nature took him on another route,

“Or maybe they are teasing us. Insulting us by not completely retreating. We should attack them and drive them all out,” he told the other three only to be brought back in check by his elder brother.

“We are not going on war without any strong evidence of an attack,” he looked at him. “tomorrow we will go for a perimeter check and build more security check-posts around Bijolia especially on the routes that the people take for travels.” 

The sound of leaves hustling made him stop as he gestured for Shakta to quietly make his move.

One moment the man was hiding behind the bushes and the next moment he was out of them rolling in pain as Shakta’s dagger hit him hard on his shoulder. His screams brought the soldiers who all pointed their spears at him as the man continued to groan in pain. One of the guards recognised him,

“Kunwarsa, its Dhaman Singh!!”


  1. Yippee!!! And the new FF begins...
    So it starts with the separation as shown in serial. Waiting to see the Garima twist to the story!!

    1. Thank you suju di, hope I live upto your expectations :)

  2. I was waiting eagerly for a historical and it's finally here. Yay. Can't wait for Him now.
