
Tuesday 25 December 2018

Fresh Start

Fresh Start

It had been three hours since the father-daughter duo walked out of the haveli. Hansabai had informed Patta who in turn spread out the word amongst his siblings. Heer informed Shakti who in turn told Pratap and Jalal about a possible confrontation between Rao ji and Ajabde. 

Within 45minutes, the whole clan knew about the incident which was quite amusing and exciting for Kokoia ji while on the other hand, Hansabai was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Jaiwanta Bai along with her sister Sajjabai had come over after learning about the incident from Jalal. As the maid served them tea, the guard announced their arrival,

“Hukum and all the children have arrived.” 

She stood up as they entered, first came her husband and then one by one all of the kids arrived in ascending order- Chand, Maan, Jagmal, Patta, Heer and then finally Ajabde. All of them drenched in rains, happiness in their eyes but it was Ajabde’s eyes that Hansa was staring at- the deep longing that she used to see was gone. It had been replaced with warmth. 

The children stood straight as Hansabai walked over to them, “all of you go change before you fall sick, now.”

“Yes ma’am,” they marched just like they used to do as kids.

 Pratap and Shakti a few minutes later followed by Raoji’s butler. As they sat down, the butler filled them in
Rao ji and Ajabde had a heart to heart conversation where they both ranted out at each other. She had discovered an album that had all of her achievements, images and news of everything she had done till now neatly preserved. She had demanded on the identity of the person who maintained the album thinking it was her mother but when Rao ji confessed the album belonged to him- she had broken down.

“Is this some cruel punishment?” she looked at her father tormented, “all these years you made it clear that I was a nobody but then why did you make this album”

"Because you are my daughter," he spoke up.

Ajabde brushed her hair as everything that had happened felt like a dream. Her father had apologised and sought for a chance for a fresh start. The term seemed to stick to her seeing it was the second time someone had asked her for it. First being Pratap, his name brought the handwritten note back into her memory that Rao ji had scribbled on the album,Pratap is a good guy but marriage will only stop Ajabde from realising her potential. Wedding needs to be stopped at all costs.Her father had deliberately pushed her buttons to stop the wedding because he was afraid that she would go ahead with it and forget all about her dreams and ambitions. In his twisted way, he had tried to protect her. 

Ajabde recalled the conversation she had with Jaiwanta Bai after her epic high night with Pratap,

Pratap has proven himself as a responsible, caring and good man. I’m not saying this because he is my son but for the fact that I have seen him grow and mature from that incident. Yes he has made mistakes so have I and you have too. People make mistakes but they learn from it and move one in life. You don’t have to marry him right now, take your time. Figure things out on your own and with him. And when you feel the time is right, then move on to the next phase of life.

Later that night after everyone had retired to their respective rooms, Hansabai sat with her husband as they both looked at the wedding album together,

“Let’s call the photographer,” Ramrakh spoke up, “all of the children are here, Kokoia ji is here too. We can do the family portrait before Patta and Jiwa leave for Delhi and Shakti-Heer leave too.”

Hansabai nodded her head, “yes even Ajabde will move out…” she stopped seeing her husband’s narrowed gaze, “I told her she can work from here. There is no need for her to move out besides this is her home. She is a Punwar.”

“And her reply was?” she asked him only to see him make a face. “Take after you,” he told her, “said she will think about it.”

“Of course she is like me- she is my daughter,” Hansabai told him smiling only to have him hold her hands as he added, “she’s mine too.”

Ajabde sat admiring  the clear sky of the night, the day had been a roller coaster ride filled with emotions. Her father had acknowleged her and apologised, he had in his twisted way looked out for her. Her siblings had all apologised as well but most of all for the first time she felt ready for a fresh start.

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