
Monday 29 October 2018

Turning Dreams to Reality

Turning Dreams to Reality

 “Bijolia will soon be registered as a city and not a town,” the butler informed the guests. Dheerbai made a face as she saw the progress while others stared in awe. The Punwars, Sisodias, Chundawats, Solankhinis and a few other guests were treated to the tour of the princely state-Bijolia as per the custom.  Once a dying town with people migrating to bigger cities and metropolis Bijolia had re-established itself in a short span of time. Raoji heard his butler speak of the various programme that was being run for the children and adults, a business that was prospering and some of the future projects lined up. The butler pointed out at the historic sites that had been revived and were currently being maintained under the Punwar’s trust fund. The two separate schools for boys and girls had been merged into one that had classes up till grade 12. A continuing education programme was set-up so that adults could return to finish their education.

“In such a small span of time Bijolia has surely come a long way,” Rawat ji commented as the peon brought water for the guests. 
As they toured the school premises, the children separated to take a peek at their hangouts. Pratap, Shakti, Patta, Jagmal, Heer, Jiwa, Chand and Maan went about looking at the newly built playground when the sound of music made Heer stop. She knew the music by heart, she had choreographed the entire song and had hoped to perform it someday.

“You are Heer Punwar” a child spoke loudly as he stared at Heer. Without wasting his breath, he ran and held her hands in his smaller ones. Heer tried to stop him, but the kid had pulled her away. The rest of the gang followed them only to stay at the entrance of the auditorium; the music was the loudest there. For Heer, it wasn't the music that made her gasp instead it was the pictures that lined up the walls.

“Jija” Jiwa looked surprised, “I didn’t know you were a state level champion.”

All across the walls were images of Heer, with her trophies, some in dance poses, others with her team. The boy pulled on Heer’s pallu,

“my sister admires you and plans on going to the National championship” he pointed towards the doors that led to the dance hall. Inside a girl was looking at a home video intently, a female voice spoke up, “step 1, 2,3 and three again and 4.”

Heer’s younger self-greeted them on-screen, the girl who loved to create art through dance. Shakti glanced at his wife who seemed to be battling herself, but he knew that all his efforts would be a waste, for Ajabde had told him the truth, “Heer needs to grasp her happiness on her terms.”

By the end of the tour, everyone was exhausted physically, but the children were tired mentally for they had all come face-to-face with their childhood. The time filled with fun, frolic, laughter and Ajabde. They already were in a state of shock upon learning of Ajabde’s true intentions for the wedding, and now with the advancement of Bijolia, she had made sure to fulfil everyone’s dream. Sajjabai’s words haunted them

We only saw dreams, but she went ahead and turned them all to reality.”

Dheerbai paced in the room, irritated at the state of affairs around her. Ajabde was on a winning streak, from the wedding to Bijolia’s advancement, Punwar’s business was prospering, and they had signed an enormous deal recently that involved money in crores. It didn’t help that Rao ji had decided to set his base in Bijolia, his words from morning haunted her,

“We are home, Dheerbai ji and we are not going anywhere.”

The sound of dhol made her come out to investigate. In the gardens, drummers were playing with full enthusiasm to which the people were dancing with joy. Rao ji and the others stood waiting to be informed about the news when Ajabde Punwar ran straight to her mother,

“I told you I'd get the project” she handed her mother the file. Hansabai ji looked at the file and then at her child, “you mean” she stopped as Ajabde nodded her head,

“The national highway project has been approved. The highway will connect Bijolia to the major cities. Our dream of putting Bijolia on the map is turning to reality.” She took a laddoo and made her mother eat with happiness shining on her face.