
Tuesday 9 October 2018

The Proposal

The Proposal

Ajabde sat in her cabin going through the paperwork that needed her signatures. She looked at the dark raging clouds outside and sighed, “at least Ranimaa and Jalal will be able to handle things in my absence.” Her absence was necessary for the plan to succeed; just like the mehendi where Jalal got Shakti to help him, and Heer managed the ladies section, she was sure that both Patta and Jiwa would take care of the Haldi event. Her secretary knocked on the door and entered bringing in with her the paperwork she had asked for,

“Ma’am these are the account details you requested” she placed the files on the desk. “You were right about mishandling of the funds” she took out an envelope from the file and handed it to her.

“Thank you,” Ajabde smiled, “now make sure you and the others leave before the rains start.”

Her secretary left leaving her behind with proof of DheerBai’s interference in their family business. Dheerbai was a formidable opponent, but she had overstayed her welcome in her family, and it was time to send her away except she would use Jagmal, Chand and Maan as her anchors. She rubbed her temple as a headache started,

“Tea?” His voice made startled her, Pratap stood with two mugs in his hands as he entered her cabin,

“Thank you” she accepted the tea and took a sip, allowing the hot brew to calm her nerves down and hopefully drive away the headache. He smiled watching her drink the tea that he had made moments before in the pantry. Pratap had seen her drive away in the morning after he was returning from his chat with Champak Lal and knew that he would have to take the first step towards her.

“So, what brings you here?” she asked holding onto the hot mug, “I’m sure you have something to discuss or are you here to tell me to stop with my evil plan?”

He shook his head, “actually, I have a proposal  for you.” Her eyes widened on hearing the word proposal. The last time, the word came when Pratap had asked her to be his wife,

“I meant a potential business proposal and seeing that you are now the head of the Punwar group it made sense to come and meet you.”

Her heart ached a little “business proposal” that’s all they could talk about considering the way things were between them.

“Sure” she hoped her voice didn’t give her away. Pratap nodded his head as he walked her through his idea- “The Royal Kitchen” an exclusive restaurant that would serve traditional cuisine with recipes coming from the royal families. It would be a joint venture between Sisodias, Punwars and Solankhinis where all three families would share their family recipes.

“And we can organise special events at the restaurant,” he stopped to look at the girl sitting opposite to him.

“Interesting” she nodded her head, “but I would like to see the possibility of middle-class people being able to afford a meal in the restaurant.”

“I’m sure we can figure out a way for that too” he assured her, “but can we keep this between us for now.”

She looked at him questioningly, “Shakti loves to cook, and this was his idea that he gave up. I want him to head this project and need some time to speak with him above smiled as she gestured for her lips to be locked and feigned throwing away the key making him laugh. Both of their cells rang at the same time, with Phool’s name blinking in his screen and Jalal’s name on hers. 
He made a face on seeing Jalal’s name while she hid her feelings and answered the call,

“Jalal I don’t have the car with me. I sent it back because I thought Maasa or you might need it” she pinched the brigde of her nose as Jalal said something, “fine I’ll see if I can get a cab”

“I can drive you back” Pratap offered, “I’m going back to the palace so I can give you a ride.”

“Thank you. Just give me 10 minutes to pack up and then we can leave.”

10 minutes later, they stood at the main entrance staring at the pouring rains
“I’ll get the car” Pratap told her as he quickly made a dash for it. She rubbed her shoulders feeling the chill when her eyes fell on the shadow of a guy near the trash bin. It was the government’s big trash bin that smelled bad and always overflowed with rubbish. Thankfully, the garbage had been cleared early in the day so it wasn't that bad but the man seemed to be very cautious and delicate with the trash he was throwing away. Her eyes widened as she took in the bundle,

“Stop” she screamed as she ran towards the man who looked at Ajabde and then fled from the scene. Ajabde stopped in front of the garbage bin completely drenched in rains when she heard  a baby cry.

“Ajabde!!” Pratap came hurrying after as he saw Ajabde holding on to the baby in her arms, “what?”

“We have to go to the hospital” she looked at him holding on to the baby in her arms. 


  1. Oh my god. A baby now .Whose is it.

  2. Nice update...oh my god who is that man throw baby in trash that to in heavy rain is human or not.... what happens next waiting for next update
