
Thursday 2 August 2018

The Accidental Meeting

The Accidental Meeting

Pratap stared at his watch and then at the traffic on the road. He was late, and he hated being late especially when work was involved.

Meeting Phool Kanwar is work” his inner-self taunted but he ignored it as the traffic had finally started to move. His inner-self refused to stay silent, “you were never late when it was Ajabde instead you would already be there and make a fuss about her being late.”

It was true he thought, things with Ajabde were different, fun and easy-going but the situation they were all in was not his doing. She chose a different path,

Did she OR her prioritising herself was not acceptable to you and the others.” His inner voice needed to learn the art of silence.

As he saw Phool Kanwar’s car exit the restaurant's entryway, he decided to walk to his car. The paparazzi had taken their pictures and had moved to another location where a function was taking place. As he sat in his car, he overheard one of the camera-man,

“Ajabde Punwar is back in town. We should hurry, and maybe we might get her pictures” he was telling his friend excitedly.

“Excuse me” Pratap called out to the camera-person who seemed surprised on being called by Kunwar Pratap Singh Sisodia- the young prince of Sisodia royal family.

“Hukum” the camera-person bowed in respect, “what can I do for you?”

“I need a favour” Pratap took a couple of pink bills from his wallet and handed it to the camera person, “where can I find Ajabde Punwar?”

He quietly crept behind one of the pillars hoping to keep his presence hidden from her.

As if this would work ” his inner voice spoke, “she can feel me- your soul. You’ll never be able to hide for her.”

Peeping outside he saw her, sitting in her usual spot with her feet immersed in the cold waters as she sipped tea in her favourite mug- the kulhar. She had lost weight he observed; there was red in her hair- coloured streaks perhaps,

“Make sure only marigolds are used for the mandap dΓ©cor, marigolds are her favourite” her voice hadn’t changed at all. Soft, rhythmic and enchanting her voice was the same just like it used to be

“If you are trying to hide your presence then you have failed miserably” Ajabde called out as she placed the kulhar beside her, “I can see your reflection in the water.”

Pratap gave himself a mental slap on being caught by her. He sat beside her as she signalled for another cup of tea

“I won’t be staying long,” he told her as the kid working at the roadside stall stood with the drink on the other side.

“Awesome. I’ll enjoy my tea in peace then” Ajabde replied without looking at him. Smiling she took the kulhar from the boy and turned back to stare at the water while he made a face 

“Didi, please pay for the tea or the owner would be angry at me” the boy seemed afraid of his boss. She nodded her head, but before she could get the money, Pratap had already handed a 1000Rs bill to the boy.

“Take the change from the owner, go to the corner and keep it in your inner pocket without anyone knowing” Pratap instructed, “then take groceries for home and buy sweets for your sister too.”

The boy nodded his head and ran off happy. She smiled at his actions; he was still the same- responsible, caring, gentle yet firm, confused and utterly adorable.

“Handsome” he looked at her confused “you seemed to have gotten handsome than before.” 

She had been checking him out. The thought made him self-conscious, “wrong move my boy” his inner voice screamed as their eyes met and time stood still. His dark orbs staring into her doe-like eyes reminiscing of the times gone by, of happy days when everything was perfect, and they were together.

He stood up, “if you wish to continue with your antics then I promise you we will stop you.” 

She looked back at the water, “Do as you wish Kunwarsa but remember I’m a Rajputani and I won’t go down easy.”

“We’ll see” he turned and walked away with a huge smile on his face. Ajabde stared at the water and took a sip of her tea with a huge smile. Both of them seemed were happy and had the same thought,

“The ring finger was empty.”

Jaiwanta Bai ji smiled as the kid from the tea stall gave her a complete rundown of the events- the accidental meeting that she had set-up

“Both of them were there for nearly an hour, and then Kunwarsa left smiling.”

She nodded her head as she handed the boy an envelope and a letter, “give this to your mother. Come to the school tomorrow with your sister; they will provide you with uniform, stationery and other necessities. Tell the tea-stall owner, that you will now go to school and cannot work for him.”

As the boy left she closed the window and smiled at her brilliant plan, ‘you were right Ajabde, it’s time the family reunited and so did the two of you.”


  1. Omg!!!! My heart skipped a beat at Ring finger was empty. I am in prajaland.

  2. Wow.... So the Main focus was the Ring finger.... Cant keep myself from grinning πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
